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first fair and reviews


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So i didn't sell as many candles as i hoped, but it's a tiny fair and i mean office party size :D However, comma those that i have sold to have had a chance to burn them over the weekend.

My votive people were impressed at how straight the wicked stayed and the throw was awesome. They melted beautifully and were very happy.

My pillar buyers said the same thing. I make a couple of containers after my testing and one lady bought a bulb jar and her dog absolutly loves it. Not to mention she said it's amazing, it's not flickering the flame is the right height, the melt pool is in her words "the most perfect pool i've ever seen" :yay:

so with that behind me and what i've learned, i'm going on to new and wonderful scents.

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I don't ask, she says her dog loves candles and flowers, and thinks it's probably her mother reincarnated.

she say her dog will come up and smell candles, if it likes the candle it will stretch out and go to sleep, if it doesn't it'll go into another room. She lite mine and the dog came over sniffed for a few seconds rolled over and started sawing logs.

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Aaron, that's the best endorsement I've ever heard. Just not sure how you will be able to use it in your marketing. Glad you mini show went well and you are getting positive feed back. The feedback really means a lot, or at least it does to me.

By the way we are neighbors, sort of. I'm on the Eastern Shore.

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sharyl, that we are, i've contemplated on the eastern shore, but i'm still trying to get out of VA.

Now for the dogs, i think it's a scent thing and knowing the dog is around you when you are either burning the candle or after a shower....that's my theory at least.

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