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plastic votive containers??

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This has probably been covered somewhere.....I was at the store the other day and they were selling votives poured and sold in little plastic containers. They had lids with several "sniff" holes in the top. It looks as if they poured them, wicked them capped them off labeled them then sold them all in one little container. Does anyone know where they might sell these?????


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I was just at OBI in Indy last weekend and saw their votives poured in plastic cups. I can't imagine that is very safe, I would be leary. They also have the "Our Own Candle Company" candles that had the black round plastic wick centering tools still in the jars on their candles. Unfortunatly, these are the same candles that I have had to sell against at craft shows here locally.

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First I should say that I never particularly liked how votives burned even in tight holders and I'm not familiar with the ones you mentioned. So I tried the 3 oz. ones from Candlewic - I LOVE these things!

They are polycarbonate - the same thing as good tea light cups are made out of. I've never had a problem with them melting - and as long as they are wicked properly (so the meltpool doesn't get too deep as it burns down), I feel they get less hot than glass holders. Maybe they dissipate the heat better instead of holding onto it.

I've been just burning them in them in the holders, but you can also use them as 3oz. votive molds also - the finish on them is MUCH better than the aluminum ones IMO.

I think candlewic is now selling the 3oz votive glasses also for them.

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The Alabaster clams are NOT meant to be burned in!!

The Candlechem and Candlewic ones are....as Henry mentioned they are polycarb. They can burn, well, melt really, but it takes a lot. Wicked, secured and burned properly they can be pretty handy.

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