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Keeping myself busy...


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Hi everybody!

I havent been on here in awhile, but I have still been keeping myself busy with loom knitting and crocheting. I have added most of these items on my Etsy shop, and have actually gotten a few orders recently:D ! I designed all the patterns on graph paper first, then made them.

1st pic-Knitted tunic dress size 12-24 mos. I made it to wear as either a dress with tights, or over pants. With a shirt under it, of course!

2nd pic- A baby Christmas tree hat that I knitted then hand-sewed the "ornaments" on. I already sold one of these!

3rd pic- A baby watermelon hat that I just LOVE!!! I also have the same pattern designed for a few other items I still need to try out. I have made a knitted ball out of this pattern too.

4th pic- Drawstring Snowman Bag with Pom-Poms. I designed the pattern in three different sizes. My daughter LOVES it!!!

5th pic-I have been playing around with cable knitting, and made this ball to show how pretty cable knit is!

6th pic-Crocheted Christmas Baby blanket for a friend of mine who is due to have her baby on Dec. 12.

Hope you all are having a great Holiday season so far! ~Linaya







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