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Discovery Channel alert....short segment on making candles

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  • 3 weeks later...

And today on How It Is made I saw a short segment on making carved candles--which was really cool!

The only thing that made me go "Huh?" was when this lady cuts off the bottom drippings and made a mushroom candle out of it. It looks really cool, like millefiori.

As the mushroom candle was was still soft enough she just poked a hole and inserted a wick. Then she dropped it in the water bath to cool; wick and all.:confused:

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Wish i'd seen these shows.

When we lived in germany back in the 70's my mom had some really cool candles. They were about 1-2ft or more tall and she had them on these black stands with a metal pin in the middle ot hold them, and I'd say 6-8 inchs round.

But the outside of the candles was carved out with like medeval scenes and such.

Unfortunatley in all our moving and after she passed away they got given away.

I have been trying to find some like that but don't know if they have a name or a good place to look. I have tried google but with not knowing what I am exaclty looking for I have not found any info.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Check your local listings as the candle segment will be rebroadcast today.

Jan 14, 9:30 am

How It's Made - Episode 32

Find out how yogurt is cultured, how candles are formed, how neon signs are lit and how book bindings work.

Jan 14, 7:30 pm

How It's Made - Episode 32

Find out how yogurt is cultured, how candles are formed, how neon signs are lit and how book bindings work.

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Kn, I know this is the candle section, but speaking of "How It's Made".... I saw a piece on there about making soap, a home business, not factory. They were mixing in this huge pot and the lady had added the hard oils then turned to Mike and said see all these other bottles of oil, just pick some out and pour until the scale reaches such and such weight. Then pour it in. Now pick a fragrance oil. When he asked how much she told him to just pour some and I'll say stop, no measuring or nothing. Not once during this did they wear gloves, even mixing the lye.

It's the same for candles or soaping... why are we so careful about formulas, testing, safety, etc.... Sometimes I think we are the only ones so why bother...lol

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