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Those who make candles as a hobby..

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I make candles strictly as a hobby and it drives my DH crazy! I keep about two slabs of straight parrafin wax on hand, (I am getting into carved candles), and then a slab of container wax because I like to "give " my container candles away as gifts. Since you already have a customer base, you may want to keep a few around to compensate for your hobby. I mean, "What are you going to do with all those candles?" (That's what they ask me all the time!) :D It's an expensive hobby, and it would be nice to get some, if not all of the money back that you spend doing what you enjoy, right?:wink2:

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What is carved candles?:o

I will keep them in my store front, its a used clothing store that I own, not a "candle store". But as far as the online orders or outside orders, I am wanting to stop. Its like they either will have to buy what I have instock at my store, or wait. I am just to busy with 4 kids, and all their activities, to be able to keep candles in stock at the store, and to do "personal" orders.

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You didn't say what type of wax you use, but with soy I still bought it by the case (just 1 case at a time) when it was a hobby. It's simply cheaper to do it that way. Fo's I usually bought in 4 oz or 8 oz if I really loved the scent...I never bought pounds at a time. Since you'll still be selling some in your store, you may find it less expensive to buy the pounds and carry less scents.

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Hi, I use soy wax also. I have decided to just order the 1# still, and to cut back on about 1/2 of my fragrances that I offer now.

I know for yrs. I have put customers first in the way, that if I didn't even carry a certain scent that they wanted, I would try to get it for them. This has just gotten out of hand. One lady over a yr. ago asked me for a black licorice candle and I dont carry that scent, but I ordered a small bottle just to make her one and haven't had a candle sell in that scent since. Do most of you just strictly sell JUST the scents you normally carry.?

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I don't buy special for a customer for exact reason of what happened to you with the black licorice...now family is different, if they want something, I do buy it, but I know I will have repeat orders from them for the same candle. I'm trying to cut way back on my scents right now. I've got too many, so most are going into a "limited" or "seasonal" category so I can quit using them soon. My plan is to have a regular line of about 25 scents and then just 5 holiday scents...not sure I can scale back that much, but I'm sure going to try.

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