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Marzipan F/o Won't Mix With Wax.

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I have a small bottle of Marzipan f/o that was given to me, its a Sensory Perfection one. When I was mixing the oil into the melted wax, I noticed a yellow puddle at the bottom of the pot. I mixed it like crazy for ages but it just wouldn't mix in!! I increased the temp of the wax and it still wouldn't mix in. I have never had this before with an oil so I thought what the hell i'll make the candle anyway and see what happens.

When I turned the forever pillar out, I could see that all of the oil had settled at the bottom (now the top) of the candle and was encased under a thin layer of wax - looked pretty cool seeing the oil sloshing around in there :D .

Any ideas why an oil wouldn't mix into paraffin pillar wax? I used 10% stearin and 6% f/o.

I tried searching on this before I posted but the search kept coming up with a big fat zero *lol* Maybe I was wording it wrong.


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I really don't know CB. It was in a bunch of samples that I was given, so I suppose it COULD be. There is nothing to say it is on the label but that doesn't mean that it isn't - if you know what I mean :D I'll drop Jo an email later and see if she sells Marzipan flavour oil - it's not one I bought (never had a problem with Jo's oils :) ) so it's not a big problem.


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