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A Great Home Show...FINALLY!


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My future daughter-in-law hosted a Home Show for us today and it was AWESOME!

She has been so excited about it and my business partner and I were so afraid she would be disappointed - we have had home shows lately where we were lucky to have 6 people show up! LOL Well, she beat that the first 15 minutes of the show, and it went on and on and on.

People were asking questions and truly seemed interested in what we did and how we did it. I was constantly filling in empty spaces, running around looking for the scent they wanted - it was GREAT! LOL

My son even got into the act - wrapping purchases, remembering to put a brochure in each bag and just helping out wherever he could.

They bought this house a few months ago and this was the first time alot of friends and family have seen it, so they were in their glory with all the compliments on all their hard work. I am sure this has alot to do with the turnout we had.

It was just so nice to finally get some postive feedback...and it didn't hurt that we made enough to pay our business bills! :wink2:

All in all, a wonderful day! Now off to rest my weary bones...:tiptoe:

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Thanks for your good wishes!

There have been many many days where I have thought "what the heck did we get ourselves into", so it was very nice to be able to have a little positive feedback to give us a "boost".

Thanks again!

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