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Cow pillars


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I love cows. I collect them for my kitchen. LOL Yes I'm strange I know.

Anyway, I see these cow pillars made of soy on ebay and one day, would love to be able to make one for myself. Far down the road of course, as I'm going to get the container thing down first.

Anyone have any idea how this person makes these? Like, how do you get the spots on there? Paint or something probably? Or some kind of embed thing? They look really cool. http://cgi.ebay.com/Soy-pillar-candle-5-set-COW-PRINT-Triple-Scented_W0QQitemZ250191248286QQihZ015QQcategoryZ46777QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


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OK so if it's paint, with a paraffin overlay, it wouldn't make the paint run huh? Or maybe she hand paints some paraffin over the spots first to not have them run, then overdips? I almost want to buy one to study the thing. LOL But then I wouldn't need to make it myself for my own kitchen! LOL :)

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OK so if it's paint, with a paraffin overlay, it wouldn't make the paint run huh? Or maybe she hand paints some paraffin over the spots first to not have them run, then overdips? I almost want to buy one to study the thing. LOL But then I wouldn't need to make it myself for my own kitchen! LOL :)

Not on a quick dip it shouldn't run. Paint would need to be dry of course. Buy one and you'll know for sure what she does ;) It could be randomly cut out pieces that are laid into the mold, but I'm not thinking so.

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