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All You New Soapers....


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There are a zillion recipes out there and they are not all good. If it's a fat, lye can saponify it. People used to make soap from leftover cooking fats. Bacon grease made lots of soap, but I can't vouch as to how nice it was. Although the internet is a valuable source, there is lots of bad information floating around.

Feel free to post a recipe BEFORE you try it. We'll be happy to help. On another note, don't ever trust the lye and water in a recipe. Run it through a calculator yourself, no matter where you find the recipe.


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Thanks Eugena...That is great for us that are just starting to make soap...

It can be overwhelming to try sometimes to figure it all out...

I do want to say..you ladies have sure been a help to me...

I am sure that I will have alot more question too, before I really feel confident...

I am trying to learn what oils I can exchange with..when I don't have the one that is called for in the recipe..

I am right now only using shared recipes, from here, until I get more understanding of everything..So Thanks for those that so generously shared their recipes..It, I am sure has helped out many new ones when they first get started...

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thanx eugenia. thats the problem...you do all the research on the web, but finding a good place to validate what you learn is hard, therefore, THIS forum as been deemed by me as the one to ask ALL THE QUESTIONS I HAVE BEFORE I START!!!!!!:yay:

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Than You E! The research and information in these boards is awesome. I am gathering my supplies and waiting until after all of my shows are completed and I can solely devote myself to making CP soap for the winter.

Bits and pieces of the information and process are really starting to stick in my brain now, those I am still taking lots of notes and marking websites. The three tutorials that I've watched over and over really help too so I thank YOU, Grumpy and Robin for those!


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