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My dollar store finds make with palm glass Glow


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Be careful with the square container. I pick upped something similar last year for Valentines Day. Did a power burn and the whole container started to burn about 2/3 of the way down. I just threw them all out since so many customers light a container and leave it. I had no problems with 3 hr burns.

For testing purposes I always do a power burn (8 hrs) just to see what happens.

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I love the candle wax just wish i could get the picture right, im working on making a lite box. Here another pick made with the palm wax


<A href="http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g207/teralester/Picture054.jpg"[/quote" target=_blank>http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g207/teralester/Picture054.jpg"

You're candles look great. I use square containers all the time and powerburn, never had a problem. You are better off in any container to err on the side of underwicking as any container can burst or crack when overwicked and powerburned. This is especially true in containers that are not specifically made for candles. I still use the non-candle containers on occassion, but try to go down 1 size in wicks if they are wiping the sides clean on the first couple of burns.

Since you're not happy with your pics, might I suggest...

I'm no photographer and have my challenges with pics but this has worked for me. If you don't have a light box, try taking your photos in either a really light room or outside (but not in the sun) and turn the flash off, you'll get better results and like you're pics better. If they turn out little dark, you can lighten them up in a photo editor program (you usually get one with your camera.) Since I bought my light box, I'm much happier with my pics...still far from professional looking, but goodnuff for me! I litterally need photos for dummies and I can do this...so I know you can!!

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