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F/O that RICED in CP soap

Fire and Ice

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Okay, I been reading and studying information on these boards about CP soap. I've even gon ahead and made some purchases of some of the minor, but important supplies. (No oils or butters yet. That will come last)

However, I've noticed once in awhile, someone will post that their F/O riced in their CP soap. What does that mean and what is the best way to avoid it?

Yes it will still be a few weeks before I jump into CP soap. I still have some equipment to puchase~ my pans for making it in, a good quality wooden mold, an better scale than the small one I have, and the oils and butters.

I want to do it right so I will get the right supplies and equipment the first time. As well as continue to research both over here and on the dish. I will get out of the experience, what I invest into it in both money and research. Many times I get a question and do a search and read to find answers for myself but this one, I haven't found an answer to yet.

Thank you for answers and advice,


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The best thing to do is join here http://scentreviewboard.obisoap.ca/index.php and get reviews on a fragrance before you try it.

Ricing is when your soap starts out fine, then suddenly separates into oils with tons of curds. Looks like cottage cheese or rice. If you keep stirring, it may come back together. If not, you can continue on to HP and it usually comes out fine. Either whip out your crock pot and dump the soap in, or turn on your oven for oven HP and cook it.

This has only happened a few times to me, and not in years, knock wood!


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