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Taking my Business into the Bathroom...


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I have my line of candles in a craft warehouse. Today I found one of my candles in another room near the bathrooms. I picked it up to put back on my shelves, opened it to smell it (Something I always do) and someone had lit it!! Now I had found 2 other like this a few month back on my shelf and could not imagine how it happened.. UNTIL TODAY!!

Somebody must be taking my candles into the bathroom to cover up their Stinky AS* Scent!!!:laugh2:

I can't believe it!!:rolleyes2 I am still stunned at the nerve of some people.



I will keep you posted on the Bathroom Candle Bandit!!

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Well you must have good scent throw... :)

I would put a can of air freshener in the bathroom and post a notice stating that if you burn it, you bought it--even if it was just for one hot time in the bathroom!

I was thinking of putting a sign that says:

"Please do not test burn my candles in the Bathroom..

You know who you are and we will to- the cameras are watching you!!!"

Could you imagine if I put that candle back on the shelf without smelling it and someone bought it.. Then they would have called me to tell me that they bought a burned candle, I would not have believed them.:lipsrseal

I'm going down on Monday to check all my candles and talk to the owner.

I am still laughing that someone really is doing this.. :laugh2:


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