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reheating wax to top off votives please help!?!

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I was wondering what the easiest and fastest way everyone uses to reheat the wax to top off the votives, I use to use the astorlite v and did not have to do this so, so sny help would be great. Last time I did this I put my pour pot in my oven on 180 and it took FOREVER, so any Ideas would be great!



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Its called a double boiler. Get an old pot, fill it with water enough to just float your pour pot and set it to boil. Once the water gets going turn it down to a rolling boil, place your pour pot in the water and it shouldn't take long to melt the wax.


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When I do small batches of anything I use cheap paper cup cake liners for the extra wax. I always make a little extra no matter what I make so if I screw something up or if I have to do a repour I have exactly what I need and just enough with out re doing the project.

The paper peels off really easy and I pop the little wax cupcake in a double broiler and re melt it and do the repour.

What ever is left I use in my fire pit as a fire starter or give away to friends and they just melt it in their tart burners.

I recently found the silicone cupcake liners and those things are great. Nothing sticks to them and you can reuse them over and over. They don't hold the fragrance either.

I know that some people use old soup cans and such for repours too.


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