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J50,are you having a lot of shrinkage when the jar has set up.I am having to use the heat gun on every container,then it's at least 1/2 inch below the pour line.I don't know what to do.I guess I could save some wax and do a second pour.:sad2: Using the heat gun on every container is alot of work,and time.I need some suggestions.


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Thanks for the replys,I love J50,and I get it locally with no shipping.J50 used to not do this.Last night I made candles,and when the top set up,I took the wick holders off,that seemed to help with the shrinking.


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I've noticed it with my J50 too. I've been filling the jars a little higher so they end up being where I want them. I've also been getting air pockets so I push a skewer into every candle and zap with the heat gun just to be safe. I really like this wax and don't want to switch so I'm just dealing with it right now. I get mine locally too.

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