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Candle Safety Tips


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Just a warning to those of you doing craft shows this fall. I have just posted a series of candle safety tips on the dozen cat boards I belong to.

This is what I had to say about hand made candles:

"If you buy a candle at a craft show, talk to the candle maker about how

to safely burn the candle. Ask them how the candle was tested and how

long they have been making candles. Unfortunately, some people start

selling candles before fully testing them. .......All the reputable candle makers I know want you to safely enjoy their creations. They will be more than happy spending some time with you explaining how to safely burn their candles."

So if someone at your next craft show asks you how you tested your candle ask them how their cat is doing.

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That's a riot :) I wish ALL customers would ask for the proper way to burn a candle, and would take the time to "look into" their chandlers! It irks me to hear people say, "Well so and so has over 200 scents and just started making candles 3 months ago, how come you only have 5 scents". Don't get me started, LOL.

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I would be so incredibly happy if someone would ask me how to properly burn a candle. Instead, I end up telling them without them asking and they just look at me with a blank stare like they couldn't care any less. I was telling my friend once how its so important to trim you wick and she said she has never heard of that. :rolleyes2 It's kinda common sense...

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I would be so incredibly happy if someone would ask me how to properly burn a candle. Instead, I end up telling them without them asking and they just look at me with a blank stare like they couldn't care any less. I was telling my friend once how its so important to trim you wick and she said she has never heard of that. :rolleyes2 It's kinda common sense...

I totally agree! I would love to tell people the testing process...in hopes they will better appreciate the candle and will have confidence that it is a trust worthy product!

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Guest Candelishis

I too have a sheet printed out with all the "common sense" stuff, like don't throw your matches in the candle after you light it (my sister in law does this crap!) and TRIM YOUR WICK (she also doesn't do that). She wonders why all her candles make soot and smoke....HMMMMMMM I DON'T KNOW!!!! LoL..people don't listen!!

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Well at least we can raise our kids right. This morning 14 y.o. DD asked if she could burn her Pink Sugar candle. Soon after, she comes in to grab the scissors. "Whatcha doing?" I asked. "Wick needs to be trimmed." :cheesy2:

Later she said she was going to put the candle out because we were leaving. "Don't worry, Mom -- it has a full melt pool." :laugh2:

Great kid. :rolleyes2

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was telling my friend once how its so important to trim you wick and she said she has never heard of that. :rolleyes2 It's kinda common sense...

Ummm, I beg to differ. This is a LEARNED procedure, not an innate one. I once had a girlfriend who refused to sell me Party Lite candles because I never used to trim my wicks. She'd be proud if she saw me now! Of course, now I wouldn't buy them if she sold at cost, LOL :cheesy2:

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