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In Seach Of A Sour Milk Recipe


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I read about making soap out of left over milk, and letting it sour naturally in the refrigerator..I can't find that post anywhere..

It is supposed to be very mild, and a good hard bar of soap..

It was said when it is cured it has a sweet smell to it..

There was no added FO..

I would like to make this...My Mother In Law, as long as I remember

has always had to be very careful what type of soap she uses..

She is 77 and her skin has gotten very thin..I guess that is something

we can all look forward to....Anyway any help would be appreciated.

I have several oils and butters coming from the co-op that just ended,

and would like to make some of this for her..It will be my first ever try at soap making..

So if anyone would care to mentor a first time soaper, and help me with

this, I would be grateful...

Also I might add I have also bought a Mr. do right 4# molds from one of

the co-ops too..so I will use this to put it in

So you can see I am really serious about this:D just need a little help..

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I make a soured goat milk soap. Because of the natural occurring sodium lactate, the bars get nice and hard after a good cure! I think a soured farm fresh goat milk recipe is even better than my regular goat milk recipe. I just take the soured cold goat milk and stick blend until all smoothed out and combined and soap as usual. No stink, only a great bar of goat milk soap.


The 'Ole Goat Soaps & Lotions

TOG Soapmaking Tools!

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Thanks soapman..So I would you just a normal recipe, with all the oils and butters? Does the milk take the place of the water?

Yes! I do use aloe vera juice to mix my lye slurry with. I use the farm fresh (yet soured) goat milk at complete emulsification. I do add a heaping teaspoon of powdered goat milk to replace the aloe vera juice i used to mix my lye slurry in. I can honestly say I have a 100% goat milk soap. It's would be the same as adding dried aloe vera powder to the milk, just in reverse!

Thanks for asking. I really love soured goat milk soap!


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