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Anyone do mosaics?


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I love doing them :D . You might want to practice on a few smaller pieces first before tackling a table. Just to get the hang of it. Mosaics are alot of fun and you can come up with some really beautiful projects. :cheesy2: Post pics as you go along so we can see. :D

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I RECOMMEND YOU GLUE EACH PIECE DOWN... I know someone that wanted to try it and thought, once they poured the grout, it would hold all the pieces in place when they started sponging!!

The best part I like about doing mosaics, is I don't use mosaic tiles.

I go to the ceramic flooring places and even like home depot and lowes and ask if they have any broken ceramic tiles I can buy from them cheap.

Most usually give them to me.

Then I go home put them in a bag and bust them up more myself, then I take my tile nippers and trim up the pieces to my liking.

And don't worry about doing a table first time out. My first project was my family room end table. I had them for years, they had glass inset tops.

Though about getting new glass and I thought, for what, scratch again?

So, DH, made a wood bottom for the big hole that the glass sat in and away I went. When I was done, I filled it with clear acrylic. Someday if I get all the S**T everyone has on it off, I will take a picture.

OH, I did do the center with a large rose. Found a dinner like plate at the thrift store and used a dremel to cut the center out in a circle and that was the center of my layout. A big bloomed rose on a cream ceramic background

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