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My cpop is puffing up!!!


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I used the same recipe I have used 100 times, but this time I chose to get full gel so I popped it into the over on 170, it has been in there for about 45 minutes and its puffed up, not a lot but enough to go about 1/4 inch above the fill lines!

what I was wondering, is this normal? Will it go back?

It never went to gel, it looked like the edges were going into trace and then now its just a puffin up :angry2:

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It may very well settle down - it's one of those wait and see things. You can actually put on heavy gloves and try to pat it into place if you are feeling adventurous.

Or it may not.

I am very wary of CPOP... I never have much luck with that. What I like to do is preheat the oven to 170, stick my mold in there (all lined and ready to go) and then take it out when I'm ready to pour. I don't put it back in - the warmed mold will jump start the gel and since it's on the outside of the soap I think it helps ensure the gel reaches the edges.

Once in a while if I soap at night after the heat goes off, I'll put the filled mold then back into the TURNED OFF but still warm oven.

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Thanks! Well I patted it down, so now we wait and see :o Don't think I will try that again! Hopefully it will just be a good soap and settle down! But it looks pretty good and smells even better! Now the worst part, I WAIT!

Thank you so much for your help, I was freaking out, it looked like a cake baking!

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My one & only CPOP adventure became a volcano all over the oven. Never tried it again. Tried to speed the drying of bath bombs in there once too-a beautiful batch that was perfect before the oven became a big puffed up mess of mishapen bombs. I tend to stay away from the oven now.


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The batch turned out perfect, I took my new soap beveler and cut off the tops that looked funny and the soap is awesome! I also pushed the puff down some and just let it sit, next morning it was just fine, the top was real ugly but came off to show a lovely soap! Don.t think I will try it again though :D

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