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Need A Shoulder To Cry On...

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I had my first outdoor craft fair this weekend, which sadly turned out to be a bit of a disaster. The disaster aspect was that with a west facing booth (I had previously asked the fair host if I could have a north facing booth) and just barely a few hours of morning and early afternoon sun, my candles melted. I had been watching weather reports all week prior and the high was supposed to only be 83 degrees but by noon it went above 90 degrees. So, after removing candles and putting them in a cooler along with covering my displays for a few hours a few survived, or so I thought...the next morning the few remaining survivors looked like this...(see pic) My problem is that I spent over a month preparing (practically used all my jars) and will be moving into my booth at a very large local craft mall within two weeks but now I have no inventory. I want to be able to salvage what is left but is it as simple as just remelting, repouring and adding a touch of FO and color to refresh the candle? What caused the white to appear on the candles in my pic? Will the white affect the integrity, throw and burn of the candle? What would ya'll do? (let me know if the pic doesn't show...)


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That happened when I did my first show. It is frosting and it's just the nature of soy candles. The candle itself should still be fine. And yes you can remelt them. I do alot of outdoor show so I dont use color anymore, my labels are very colorful so no one really cares. What I have also done with my frosted candles is put them in sale bin.

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I'm so sorry your show turned out badly. You know you can cry on the shoulders of the CT members anytime! I would definitely give the heat gun a try. You may still have bits of frosting, but may be able to salvage them. If I were buying for personal use, I could care less what they look like, just so they smell good. I do like them to look nice for gift giving. If you can't fix em, take Katie's advice and at least sell them at a sale price. You know us women can't pass up a SALE!!

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I am sorry that it was such a disaster for you. Sitting out in the sun all day certainly didn't help but you didn't have much control about that. What type of wax are you using? How long have you been making candles?

I use EcoSoya CB Advanced (now I'm considering changing my wax though)and I've been making them for over a year now....

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So sorry to hear about your candle problems. Unfortunately, CB Advance will do that as with any soy wax for that matter. Some better than others. This is one of the main reasons why our company went dye free as well. Sure the colors are beautiful but soy wax is challenging.

You can also place these in the oven on a low temperature for a fast remelt. I have tried this many times with our dye candles and it was pretty fast to do.


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I just want to thank everyone for their input and feedback! I appreciate the opportunity to whine and cry...you guys are awesome :D .

I tried the oven and heat gun method and found that I actually preferred the gun because I could target the spots that needed it the most. None the less, within 48 hours, the frosting reappeared. SOOO, I took a deep breath and decided I was going to embrace frosting as part of choosing to work with soy. In the meantime, once this batch of candles is sold (she said hopefully), I will be changing wax and experimenting with GreenLeaf's 70/30 soy blend and after much reading about the "to color or not to color" issue, I've decided to go "au naturale" and not color my candles.

Again, thank you for all your knowledge. I've learned so, so much from this website and it's members!

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