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What in the world?


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The soap I made over the weekend has a very FUNKY problem. I've seen it with candles but never with soap.

I came home today and the FO had risen out of it and puddled on the top of the loaves. Not all of it but enough to leave puddles. WTH? Has anyone seen this before and what caused it?

The only thing different in the recipie was I used emu oil at 10% and subtracted 10% out of my olive oil but I can't imagine how that would of caused it. I didn't even superfat it at trace like I was going to otherwise I would of figured that was the culprit. And yup I did run it through soapcalc. I would of thought that maybe I had mis-measured something but it's on every loaf and each one is it's own batch.

Very weird!

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Doesn't sound like a result of your recipe. Sometimes it's a result of overheating, sometimes of a false trace, some FOs can cause this, and sometimes the soap fairies have taken up residence.

ETA: Robin and I were posting at the same time - and I think this tread is proof that great minds think alike!

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Both FO's were ones I've used a hundred times and only a month or two old. One was poured at a little thinner trace than the other but both within normal range. I don't think it was an overheat problem as I skipped gel on these. I'm really puzzled. I'm going to do another batch with the Emu and do a batch with the standard recipe and see what happens. I'm hoping the FO re-absorbs but the bars should still be nice if it doesn't. Just not as fragrant. I've never soaped with Emu before but I hear it's nice in soap which is why I have a hard time believing it's that. I'm going with the damn gremlins.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm thinking it was due to a rapid temperature change and change in humidity at the same time. As was predicted the fo was soaked back in to the soap but did leave a weird crystalline appearance on the surface of the soap which I just trimmed off with my planer/beveler. I had it happen again one other time with a different fo and supplier and big temp swings were what the conditions had in common.

The soap ended up being fine but I do have this really weird rash.....

J/K :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

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