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CP butter bar?


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name itself is just a marketing thing. It does sound like a nice blend but not a unique one. Lots of us soap with those ingredients. If you describe exactly what it is like when she uses it we might be able to help you come up with a recipe. Also if it's scented that will affect how she feels about it.

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I would LOVE some help coming up with a recipe!

Here is my sis's description...

The bar is much softer than the one you made. Yours is more glycerine-like to me. This one came with strict instructions to keep it on a slatted (draining) soap dish so that you wouldn’t lose most of it due to it sitting in the water. It lathers well and has more soap film in the tub when you’re done. I would call it creamy.

This is the recipe I used to send her, it was my first batch-

2 oz canola

4 oz coconut

4 oz palm

2 oz soy oil

4 oz lard

I did a 50:50 water discount.

I don't care for it, too drying I thought.

Here are the ingredients her bar had again..

olive, palm kermal, palm, castor, coconut, shea and cocoa butters

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It was soft, hunh?

Assuming her ingredients were listed in order of amount, maybe try this:

35% olive oil

20% palm kernel

15% palm

10% castor

10% coconut

5% shea butter

5% cocoa butter

or maybe take a chance and up the castor to 15 and drop the OO to 30. Castor can make the bar softer, maybe even sticky, but this change will up the lather (creamy and bubbly).

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