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Help with pies!

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I have some 5 inch beeswax pie shells I bought a while back and made a pie with them. The lady I bought them from supplied the wicks as well as berry embeds (blueberry, raspberry and cherry). I used C3 wax, luscious cheesecake scent (millcreek). Heated wax to about 175, added scent, cooled to slushy. Set three wicks in and once it started to harden, placed about 8 blueberrys on top, then cooled until the next day. I wrapped it in cello and put it away for two months. I decided to test it last month.

It burned really hot then started to tunnel. The sides cracked and wax started spilling out (luckily I had had issues with pillars blowing out and had put it in a glass serving bowl prior to burning!). The wicks probably lasted maybe 1 hour total before they were nearly gone. I blew it out and pulled out the wicks, then poured some more wax into the shell the next day, same scent, threw some berries on top, put two wicks in. The melt pool didn't even get to two inches across before the wicks petered out and died.

It's frustrating me because I'd really like to sell the remaining shells I have at a craft fair I'm doing in three weeks. But if they don't burn right, I can't.

The wicks the lady sold me are ones she uses for her pies. I'm not sure exactly what size they are, but know that they are cotton and coreless. They look like the ones that are like 50 C or something similar? She never did tell me the exact dimensions.

What am I doing wrong? Ugh.

Should I try votive wax instead? My V1 does seem to burn slower. I just don't want to waste a bunch of wax because it's so expensive.

Any help would be great!

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I would not even think about selling pies yet as a lot of testing needs to go into these for the issues you described (tunneling and spilling over). I make pies as well and been working at it for a while now using 50/50 pillar/votive wax. I will say the flatter the tops of the pie (for me) the better the burn. I'm able to get a full mp, minus the crust, initially. The more it works it's way down the tin (google 5" tins and you should find plenty suppliers available) the crust will start to melt gradually. I've been successful with 3, eco 2s in mine as long as my pie is realitively flat on top. If you do sell them they need to be on a plate/hot pad too. Tin gets very hot and could burn the counter top they're on.

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I would not even think about selling pies yet as a lot of testing needs to go into these for the issues you described (tunneling and spilling over). I make pies as well and been working at it for a while now using 50/50 pillar/votive wax. I will say the flatter the tops of the pie (for me) the better the burn. I'm able to get a full mp, minus the crust, initially. The more it works it's way down the tin (google 5" tins and you should find plenty suppliers available) the crust will start to melt gradually. I've been successful with 3, eco 2s in mine as long as my pie is realitively flat on top. If you do sell them they need to be on a plate/hot pad too. Tin gets very hot and could burn the counter top they're on.

Ahh.. that makes sense. I probably won't try to sell them to anyone but my friend who isn't going to burn them (just keep them bc they are pretty). I suppose they are a pain just like pillars... Grr.. They look so pretty though...Thanks for your response!

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