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Sis Mel with My Minerals On


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Well I'm 58 and I have been wearing them with no problems at all. What I love about the Minerals is that you can apply them dry or Wet! You can also use any of them wet as an Eyeliner to match your Shadows. I have had NO flaking at all. I hope Mel will chime in here as she has been wearing them for a few weeks now.

I try on everything I make and give it the ultimate test.... I've left it on for days at a time and slept in it, and it stays put! Unbelievable!!!

My DH who hated me wearing make up at all, comes home and gently lifts my face to him and looks at me, then tells me I look very pretty :D.... I am not going to post this old face for ya'll to look at :cheesy2:

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They look great! Do mineral shadows flake at all? My eyes are getting so sensitive in my old age of 36 and everything feels like its in my eyes.

Hi ya,

I can answer that too.

Nope...I have not had a problem with them flaking at all.

And I wear them wet and dry....

And I'm with ya on the eye thing. I always feel like I have stuff in my eyes.


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Love love love mineral makeup, except that I still can't get past the foundation not covering the way I'm used to (you know old school cake face?? LOL), I have all these little imperfections that I want covered and it doesn't seem to do the trick, any tips?

Your eyeshadows look wonderful on Mel, very vibrant!

I love all the colors you're coming up with and the names are glorious and give HIM praise! :)

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Love love love mineral makeup, except that I still can't get past the foundation not covering the way I'm used to (you know old school cake face?? LOL), I have all these little imperfections that I want covered and it doesn't seem to do the trick, any tips?

Your eyeshadows look wonderful on Mel, very vibrant!

I love all the colors you're coming up with and the names are glorious and give HIM praise! :)

Hey Michi,

I feel for you. I used to be a covergirl freak. plastered that stuff on.

I found a trick with this mineral makeup and it works.

If I have a bad red spot and the powder just won't cut it?

I take a eyeshadow applicator and wettin it and dip it in the powder.

Then I dab it on the red spots. And blend it in ever so lightly.

Then go over it with the dry powders.

It works for me so far.


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Hey Michi,

I feel for you. I used to be a covergirl freak. plastered that stuff on.

I found a trick with this mineral makeup and it works.

If I have a bad red spot and the powder just won't cut it?

I take a eyeshadow applicator and wettin it and dip it in the powder.

Then I dab it on the red spots. And blend it in ever so lightly.

Then go over it with the dry powders.

It works for me so far.


Ooh good idea, I'm gonna try that today with the cheap stuff I bought at Wallyworld. ;)

Now, Chickie when you gonna get this stuff up on your website, so we can order? And, are you going to offer samples of the foundations etc.? So we can find the right color(s)?

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Your sister is a perfect model. She has lovely eyes and your shadows look great!


Thank you very much e. Although Mel is my online sis, I do love her like a Sister and I think she is beautiful! I am very proud that she is one of my testers!

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That's really cool! So sparkly......:thumbsup:

I was at the mall the other day, and a vendor in the middle of the mall took me aside, told me how beautiful I was (obviously trying to get a sale) and said how my beauty would be enhanced by this assortment of what he called mineral micas.... He put some on my hand to show me how it looked dry. Then added water and how it changed to a darker colour, then he took clear nail polish and dipped it in the little mica pot. Instant Nail Polish in any colour he chose. Pretty cool stuff, but he was selling about 8 weeeee little pots for $85.00. Yikes!

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That's really cool! So sparkly......:thumbsup:

I was at the mall the other day, and a vendor in the middle of the mall took me aside, told me how beautiful I was (obviously trying to get a sale) and said how my beauty would be enhanced by this assortment of what he called mineral micas.... He put some on my hand to show me how it looked dry. Then added water and how it changed to a darker colour, then he took clear nail polish and dipped it in the little mica pot. Instant Nail Polish in any colour he chose. Pretty cool stuff, but he was selling about 8 weeeee little pots for $85.00. Yikes!

WOW that's outragous!! :shocked2: *faint*

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Love love love mineral makeup, except that I still can't get past the foundation not covering the way I'm used to (you know old school cake face?? LOL), I have all these little imperfections that I want covered and it doesn't seem to do the trick, any tips?

Your eyeshadows look wonderful on Mel, very vibrant!

I love all the colors you're coming up with and the names are glorious and give HIM praise! :)

Thank you very much Michi !!!:D

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Ooh good idea, I'm gonna try that today with the cheap stuff I bought at Wallyworld. ;)

Now, Chickie when you gonna get this stuff up on your website, so we can order? And, are you going to offer samples of the foundations etc.? So we can find the right color(s)?

LOL Michi .... I'm working as I type lol, to get them onto the web site, but I hate to use these pictures, as I haven't had time to do product shots. Those shots were to show Mel what colors I had and just taken quickly. Plus all the write ups, ingredients & etc is taking a lot of time grrrr.

I have three foundations right now and will be adding more, but yes I am offering 1/4 tsp in a baggy to try for a dollar plus shipping. You can mix the foundations also to try to get a color to match your skin. My old HEAVY make up was a light to med beige, I tried all three of these and I could not see that I had it on. I did one side of my face to test. The dark beige I thought made me look like my face was kind of sun kissed but didn't' look dark, if you know what I mean?

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Well, I think those pics. would be fine on your website, but I hear ya, I'm the queen of paranoia when it comes to putting my stuff "out there" hence the reason why I'm dragging my feet with a website and taking pics (which I royally suck at BTW).

Oh, and I tried wetting a brush and using my cheapy mineral stuff, but it didn't work. Probably b/c it IS cheap stuff (covergirl I think).

I have these broken capillaries on my nose and cheeks (and chest) and one big red bumpy cluster on the side of my nose which I really want to be covered at all times, but I've yet to find anything to cover that bad spot. :(

My mom thinks I have rosceaca (sp?) but the dr. said it wasn't, so who knows??

Anyway, hurry up and get it all up on your site so I can order some samples. :D

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Michi, my daughter has cystic acne and swears she'll never again wear anything except mineral makeup. She wears "the big name" and spot conceals like Moonrose said, except she doesn't wet her brush--just uses a small brush and covers the "whatevers" with foundation, gives it a few minutes to set while she does her eyes, then does her entire face with foundation (and as they say on their presentations, "buff, buff, buff" to get everything blended perfectly, and it seems to meld with your skin in the buffing process. I know that doesn't sound like it would work (sounds to me like you would buff off the foundation), but it does for her. Try giving that a shot and let us know.



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Well, I think those pics. would be fine on your website, but I hear ya, I'm the queen of paranoia when it comes to putting my stuff "out there" hence the reason why I'm dragging my feet with a website and taking pics (which I royally suck at BTW).

Oh, and I tried wetting a brush and using my cheapy mineral stuff, but it didn't work. Probably b/c it IS cheap stuff (covergirl I think).

I have these broken capillaries on my nose and cheeks (and chest) and one big red bumpy cluster on the side of my nose which I really want to be covered at all times, but I've yet to find anything to cover that bad spot. :(

My mom thinks I have rosceaca (sp?) but the dr. said it wasn't, so who knows??

Anyway, hurry up and get it all up on your site so I can order some samples. :D

Michi, I hope Mel don't kill me for this, but here is a pic she sent me of a zit she had gotten and used the foundation wet for a cover up. I think it worked quite nicely!



............................................... :tiptoe:

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Oh Chickie.. I can't wait to order from you!!!! Ride like the wind and get that website up and running girl... I have money burning a hole in my pocket!

I'm working on it....... 3 days straight now, into the early morning hours I might add :cheesy2: Ya'll can email me if ya want prices and want to order. hmmmmm better check to see if my email is public lol.

I've got pictures up there, but I don't know how to do the shopping cart, that's DH job! He said he'd do it this week end.

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