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Adding Machine/Printing Calculator


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I was hoping for suggestions. I need to get an adding machine today. I want it to print out reciepts. I've never used one before (newbie), but I was wondering - if you put in the payment do they tell you the change due? I've used real cash registers but not adding machines. Of course I'd like to stick to someting inexpesive. I'll probably run to Staples later today.

I'd appriciate any help or thoughts on this, features I should look for, etc.


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I don't know that adding machines will do this, easily if you are using the machine to also total the order and add tax, but once you know the total of the order, say $24.69 and they give you a 20 and a 10, start counting out loud from 24.69...

a penny makes it 70, a nickel makes 75, a quarter makes 25 dollars and a five makes us even! :D This is how folks used to count out change before machines did it for them. ;) If you want to have a receipt for both you and the customer, look for a machine that will accept double roll tape - many won't... HTH

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I know when I get the least bit flustered my math skills will be out the window. :rolleyes2 But yes, I will count back the 'old fashioned' way, even if it's just to keep me focused!

I was hoping there would be a machine or calculator that would give me a tally for the day without needing another tape. Hmmm....I guess I just need to get to the store and start looking. Thanks!

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