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CS test results


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These are the test results of my Candle Science samples that I poured on Wednesday ... 50/50 soy blend - 8% - 8oz sq. mason jars - CD10 - cured 4 days

Brandied Pear - awesome cold & hot throw; I love this scent; a definate keeper.

Pumpkin Souffle - strong cold & hot throw; I detect a burnt smell; it's not for me.

50/50 mix of Cranberry Marmalade & Hansel & Gretel's House - awesome cold throw; I need to wick up on this one. I think once I get the right size wick, the hot throw will be awesome too.

Apple & Maple Bourbon - I really like this scent, but again, I need to wick up. I smell more apple than anything else. I've read that this fo is really strong with the right wick ... hoping a CD12 will work.

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Ring of Fire ... there are a couple of other girls that use the same wax as I do (50/50 soy blend from www.candlesuppliesbyfarmhouse.com), and they've tested the CD12 for the Apple & Maple Bourbon, and say they get a great hot throw.

I always start out with a CD10, and it works for the most part, but on some I have to wick up to a CD12. Toasted Marshmallow is another one that I have to wick up on.

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Candlebuddy, I poured Hansel & Gretel in Ecosoya Pure at 8% in 8 oz jar. Diameter is 2.5. Cold throw great - hot throw weak to med. Used CD14 and made almost a full burn pool but 2nd burn tunneled. Is it cause I'm using pure soy that I have to wick up so much? Any insight or advice?

Poured the CS Blueberry Cobbler (CD18) and Mistletoe (CD16) on Saturday and cold throw is fantastic but that hasn't been my problem-It's been the hot throw. Hopefully the change to CD wicks will make a difference. Was using ECO. Will test burn tonight.

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Munch ... yes, you will have to wick higher with Ecosoya Pure than I do with my 50/50 soy blend. I've been trying to wick CS's Cranberry Marmalade mixed with Hansel & Gretel's House ... so far, both the CD10 & CD12 are too small ... I'm going to try a CD14 tomorrow. Just wondering what temp are you adding your fo? Also, are you letting your candles cure?

Deb ... I'm testing the CD12 now, I'll let you know tomorrow. :grin2:

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Thanks for reviews

I didn't get the brandy pear. I love pear, but the idea of brandy is what turned me off. Do you smell liquor in the scent?

I do love FOH Pear and Ginseng----it's mostly pear with just a bit of spice (to me it's a clean smell).

Can you describe brandied pear?


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Thanks for reviews

I didn't get the brandy pear. I love pear, but the idea of brandy is what turned me off. Do you smell liquor in the scent?

I do love FOH Pear and Ginseng----it's mostly pear with just a bit of spice (to me it's a clean smell).

Can you describe brandied pear?


THAT is exactly what I was coming to ask. My customers down here in the Bible Belt LOVE pear, but not so much on the brandy... I made the mistake of buying Merlot fragrance for Valentine's Day.... I haven't sold ONE still...

Do tell if it's more pear or brandy and how much you can smell the brandy!


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CB - Thank you SO much for replying. :) I am adding my FO at 160. I totally redid my thinking from heating to 185 adding FO at 180 and pouring at 125 cause NOTHING was throwing on the test burns no matter how strong the cold throw was. So now I'm heating to 170, adding FO in at 160 and pouring right after I mix and changed the wicks to CD. I'm letting them cure for atleast two days. The cold throw on all of these was strong.

I read something about flashing the fragrance if you add it in too high and not to add FO until right before you pour so I'm desperate to change things to try and get 1 candle to throw when lit! The Blueberry Cobbler w/the CD18 last night didn't create full burn and candle flame got smaller with barely a throw in the bathroom. Mistletoe has the CD16 in it and while it seemed to actually throw weak-med in the bedroom...flame got smaller too. I'm going to beef it up to the CD22...I'm desperate! If you have any other ideas...let me know

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I don't smell brandy, I just smell a beautiful sweet pear ... the scent throw is awesome in my 50/50 soy blend at 8%.

Munch ... I don't know much about the wax you're using, but I did do some research. I've read that it should be heated to 155 (I'm guessing this is also when to add your fo) and then poured at 120-125. You sound like you're doing it right if you add the fo at 160 and pour at 125. I always let my candles cure about 4-5 days. Wish I could be more help.

I've poured both the Blueberry Cobbler (CS) and the Mistletoe (CS) in my wax, I used CD10's ... strong cold and hot throws.

I don't know who you buy your wax from, but Candle Science sells Ecosoya Pure, so I would call them and see what they have to say. CS has awesome customer service.

Let us know how things go.

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Thanks CB...I will adjust pour temp back to 125 and see if that helps. Candlescience is great and that's where I was getting the wax but did a cost analysis and found that Wholesale Supplies Plus is a little bit cheaper. But will see what CS has to say. Appreciate the research and all the feedback:highfive: Will be testing more of the CS fragrances I got and just got my Greenleaf Sampler in. Christmas Buttered Rum and Honey Graham Crackers may be in the next pour too.

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and found that Wholesale Supplies Plus is a little bit cheaper.

Did you get a shipping quote from WSP for shipping that wax? WSP way overcharges for shipping and I bet CS will be cheaper in the longer run when you factor in shipping!! CS is in NC and WSP is OH, your in Florida? CS shopping cart is dead on, WSP isn't. Before you order get a quote from them! I don't purchase from them just because their shipping is outrageous!!! Plus CS is closer to you anyway. :2cents:

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