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What makes lipbalms go chunky?


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I don't know if it's just summer weather, or what, but some lipbalms have gone kind of chunky, almost grainy little lumps, but there is no shea so that can't be the reason? The chunks melt away after you smooch your lips together, but it still looks and feels weird and I wouldn't want to buy a product like that.....

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LOL...well, you should try tempering your butter. By that I mean, when you melt it do so at 50% power in 1 minute intervals until it's melted. Then put your microwave on lowest power and continuing warming for maybe 3-5 minutes. That should take care of the grainies!

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I really appreciate your help!

I usually melt all the hard oils/butters in a pot, then add the soft oils, and then have to heat it all a bit higher to get the beeswax to melt. I do not trust the microwave with much more than popcorn! LOL... Should I be keeping everything at the lowest temperature possible when making the lipbalms?

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I believe the general consensus is that melting hard butters like shea and mango at high temperatures may destroy many of their conditioning properties. Try melting your beeswax with your soft oils at a higher temp to get it to melt and mix. Then add the tempered mango butter once this mixture has cooled a bit.

I'm sure it's not your soft oils causing the graininess...has to be the mango and as I said tempering should take care of that. I make a mango and shea body butter and temper those in the microwave, then add my soft oils and fragrance and it has never been grainy.

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