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HI! I just recieved my soy starter kit from Peak and now that I am reading the warnings etc. it seems a little scary to have to have a fire extinguisher handy. I feel like I might set of an major fire with one little mistake. My question is what type of extinguisher should i have? Thanks!

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I am also just beginning.

However, it is a good idea to always have at least one fire extinguisher in your home. Even if your not making candles. :grin2:

I would recommend an ABC Extinguisher. This covers the three major types of fires (liquid/paper/electrical). Should do just fine if you ever have to use it for wax or anything else, but lets hope not.

I got a few about about 3 years ago or so and they are the small ones (which are fine) and I believe I paid 14.95 each for them. Not real expensive. Just make sure you check it every so often to make sure it is still reading full.

Good luck with your candle creating adventure!


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Yep, what Shy said. It's always good to have one around anyway. I think the warning was to cover their butt in case you do something wrong and try to blame them. You know, like the, "Do not use this hair dryer in the shower" warning label.

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I've made candles for 6 yrs & think you would have to work pretty hard to start a fire. I'm certainly not saying it can't happen ... just that it's not a high probability. For me personally, I'm far more likely to start a fire cooking!! <grin> I agree w/ the previous posters, everyone should have at least 1 extinguisher in their home & cautionary warnings are an unfortunate necessary evil in our litigious society. It's healthy that you're cautious when getting started, but you'll be an old pro in no time!


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First let me say: WELCOME aboard to the wonderful/crazy world of candle making! You will become addicted really quickly. It's really no different than deep frying as far as risk, if you read your oil or deep fryer/presto pot, you will see almost the same warnings. Just be careful and sensible when you are working with hot wax. It's when we get careless that accidents happen.

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