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My skin needs your help, please!


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Okay, this is a cry for help!

I'm 36 now, and I've neglected my skin badly during the last years. Now I'm determined to do something before it's too late.

As I have no experience in making b&b stuff I'd like to aks if you have some spectacular recipes for creams, scrubs, masks etc. for my eyes and my face (rather sensible skin with pimples on my skin, my cheeks, my throat). maybe somebody could make such products for me?

I don't care how exclusive and expensive the ingredients may be (okay, I almost don't care - let's see) but I want something that helps to reduce my eye wrinkles, that makes my pores smaller and clearer etc. etc.

OH, I FORGOT MY DÉCOLLETÉ!! I want to look like a 20 year-old!!

Also, if someone thinks she has THE product for me, tell me!!! If you can convince me, I'll buy it!!

Thank you,


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Wow, tall order

I can only tell you what I have been using for the past month or so

I am 47 with oily skin with breakouts usually the nasty kind /cystic

ok I have tried oil cleansing method , alot of sotre brand facial cleansers and was not for me...still had cystic acne.

so I know honey and sugar are great for your skin so i created face scrub recipe with these things in mind and also added teatree and peppermint oil


you can tweak this by adding more liquid soap or shower gel to your desired consistancy...

the key to washing with this is to put on dry face and rub in to exfoiliate and when you prefer less exf. you can wet your hands and rub in for about a whole minute , then rinse with a soft cloth

as for wrinkles i have a lotion but cannot sell it as of yet but not sure it qualifies as antiwrinkle but makes me feel like I lood great.

hope this was helpful

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Hi Katshe,

thank you for posting your tips! It is so nice to share your recipe with me, and I'm excited to try a few things....

I did make a mask with only honey, but my skin was so soft afterwards, so I'm sure your scrub will be great!

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let me know how you like it , I totally love it cause my skin has never been clearer

just a note here: I put this face scrub in a squeeze bottle with a flip top I bought at walgreens, its a 3oz bottle so I bought a few...I also used a all natrual liquid soap this time and still turned out the same as with shower gel

I also used 4 tbls of that liquid soap to make it a smidge thinner.

i think I added more ewax also

I hope this isn't too confusing

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I got everything out and was going to try this one but I can't find where I hid my honey so the kids wouldn't use it all :laugh2:

What does the honey do in this recipe? Can it be omitted or replaced with something else? If it will make or break the recipe, I will wait until I go to the store and buy honey. *sigh* lol

oops, I meant to post this under the recipe thread

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Thanks katshe! I got out in our 110 degree heat today just to go get some honey. Does that mean I am a full fledge addict? :laugh2:

I will be trying this tomorrow. I will let you know how it comes out :grin2:

Jami, can't wait to hear how you like this scrub. This B & b stuff is so exciting and rewarding

I just made hubby some shave creamy lotion and he loves it, It took me three days of research to build a recipe that I thought would work and for him to actually use it and say it's nice, feels like all that research was worth it.

only thing is I wish I could make it foamy natrually, but I think the only thing I can add to that recipe would be sls and that is not a natrual product. or I guess I could make a shaving soap but again more research

Enjoy you face scrub and let me know how you like it.

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