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fo in the mold?


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Ok i did in the mold oven hp this morn, after I poured the soap into the mold I discovered that I forgot the fo so I poured it right in and mixed it up

Do you think It will turn out ok?

One more thing I noticed - when i began to pour there were lumps as in my first batch that turned out fine.

I mix oi/lye mix at 100 degrees and stir till trace...think that's right

Am I not pouring soon enough? :confused:

One more question...do yall measure oils into mixing pot or do you measure each oil seperate then pour into bowl or pot?

Need to get something to make bigger batches but not sure what... using crock pot right now and usually do 3lb batches.

Sorry that was two more things, trying to cover all the bases.


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I'm not sure on the FO query as in the midst of my humungously long list of muddle ups - that's one bit I've normally remembered... ;-)

In CP... I use one measuring jug or bowl and weigh each oil individually in it before chucking it all in the 'communal pot' to melt and mix...

For bigger batches of CP I've used a stainless steel jam or preserve pan - they hold about 9 litres or so... Either a very, very low direct heat (I've got gas so it's fairly easy to control) or melt the hard stuff individually in the micro and then chuck them into the pot melted so it all just warms through and mixes and a quick whiz with the stick blender to be sure before adding the lye water...

The lumpy bits - um, maybe trace plus a bit more so it had started to goo up a bit - or maybe the solid oils resetting a bit if not thoroughly mixed... I've only ever used a stick blender and poured when fairly custard like in CP... I was quite surprised with trying HP though how quickly after trace it started firming right up and getting fairly lumpy before gelling and going soft again...

Thinking about the FO query though - in HP it gets added after all the gelling and saponification has pretty much finished - so I would have thought if it were added in later before it had gotten to the goo stage it would be ok...

Sorry I haven't got any more definitive pearls of wisdom...

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hi again

I guess i worry that in the transfer from my measuring bowl sitting on the scale to the actual pot to heat oils that you loose some that you can't scrape out...maybe it's not important but with all the trying to get exact measurements and all.. soap seems to turn out fine though

Not quite sure what a stainless steel jam pan is but I will look around at kmart and see what I find tomorrow

thanks lady

have a good night

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I don't know if they'd be called something different in the US...

We have them available in stainless steel and they're whopping large pans with a bucket type handle that you boil the fruit and water/sugar in when making jam or chutney...

We use grams over here anyway which I think is possibly more accurate than lb and oz weight wise - not sure... I do have a small, inexpensive jewellers scale that I use if needed for the 'tenth of a gram' measurement... So I figure that any residue left in the dish then is going to be too small to really count and would only be the bit that someone else would advise could be rounded up or down according to the recipe...

If that makes sense?! Tis ever so late here so I could be waffling...lol

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