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Milk bath smoothies

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Okay, I made these again tonight and they worked out beautifully again, came out of the mold no problemo!!

3 cups of powdered milk

2 1/2 cups of fine sea salt

1/2 cup baking soda

3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil

1 tablespoon of melted coconut oil

colorant if you choose to

1 tablespoon of EO or FO of your choice (no EO or FO that you wouldn't want your private parts in :grin2: )

withchazel or water.

Mix your milk, sea salt baking soda, add color now and MIX, MIX, MIX (I use surgical gloves to mix with my hands), add scent and MIX, MIX, MIX.

Add oils and MIX, MIX, MIX

Get your spray bottle ready with water or witchhazel and spray till you have the consistency of wet sand. Don't worry, no citric in this so ... important to get this consistency or they will crumble. If they do, no problem, put back in bowl with the rest of mix and mist and continue. Let sit for 24 hours.

The molds I use I got from the dollar store and they are metal (Kitchen section) and sort of large thimble like. I will have to take a pic of them but I am sure you can find these anywhere.

I was wondering tonight if you could add ingredients to also make this bubble? Not sure this is feasible but hey, experiment and have FUN!!!!

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I just made a second batch and did not have enough sea salt (fine) so I went half and half (sea salt and epson salt) and this works just fine too!

Now I just took a bath with the one's I made last night, tinted teal with spearmint EO. Even though they smelled super nice, and still smelled very pleasant in the water, perhaps upping the amount of scent.??? just something to think about, but I guess it depends on the EO or FO. Also, this is a good way to use up samples you get to see if you like the scent, mind you it won't tell you if the scent will "seize" in CP soap or HP soap.

Also the very first ones I made the other day I didn't put any coconut oil so you can ommit that. I put it in this time to see if it would make them even harder and that it did.

I am also assuming that you can use buttermilk powder or goat milk powder.

As I said experiment and have frun! :yay:

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Your welcome. The batch without the coconut oil were just as hard and I think I prefer it without because I found with the added coconut oil a bit too oily, mind you the oil sinks right into your skin and makes it baby soft.

I have to share with you. The ones with the rosebuds I imbedded... I gave to a co-worker of mine to try. Anyway, she and her husband were painting all weekend and tired as all get out and he told her I am going to take a nice long bath... she said to him, hey try what Danielle gave me, that should make you feel better. So, she is in the livingroom and he takes his bath and the next thing she hears him yell, ALISON, I have rose buds in the bathtub!!! How cool is that!!!", ROFL. Nice to know a man who is secure enough in his masculinity to not mind taking a bath with a milk smoothie with rosebuds :yay::grin2: . He loved them!

My grandaughter tried the spearmint ones I made on the weekend, a beautiful teal color and she proclaimed..."Grandma, they smell so good and the color of my bathwater is BEAUTIFUL"... this is a 5 year old little girl, going on 55 I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my update on your milk bath smoothie recipe...

For someone like myself, who is fizzie challenged, I thought for sure this would never work. However, it did. I just made a batch, and they look very good. I used a shot glass as my mold, so my tops are rounder than yours, and the overall size is probably smaller. You were right about the difficulty coloring. I used a good bit of colorant, and it didn't really kick in until I started adding the witch hazel/water. My final product is sort of a dusty rose.

I scented with Bramble Berry's Rosehip Jasmine. I went WAY over your suggested 1 oz of f.o. Once I started spritzing with the witch hazel, the whole batch really started to stink (the milk, I guess). So I added probably about another 1 1/2 oz. They are definitely fragranced! I switched from the witch hazel to plain water to see if this would make a difference. They don't stink anymore.

TIP: Don't go overboard on the color. It will start to show up more when you spray the water on. Don't go overboard on the fragrance. The sour milk smell does subside.

Making these reminded me of making sand castles at the beach. Like packing damp sand into a bucket. They came out of the mold with just two taps.

I got 22 smoothies out of this batch. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

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:D Glad they worked out for you. I didn't use goat milk, so I didn't have the problem with the smell at all. Yes they don't color bright but I did make some and used the "neon" shade of green and they came out darker than pastel so that worked well. Let me know when you try one out what you think. :) . Oh and your sand castle analogy, that is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I made them!
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