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Stupid me....


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Stupid me did a custom label w/o them technically signing off on. I always sent customers a sample, and for some dumb reason I didn't do it this time. I emailed the label and she said it was fine, but when they got them they had the wrong phone number!:( Any ideas? I hate to bring them all back.

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Without knowing what your labels look like, would it be possible to print a smaller label to cover the wrong information with the right information? For example, if you used a 2x4 label, could you use a 2x2 or 1x2 to cover the boo-boo?

Could you afford to offer them a discount if they took them "as-is?"

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Ok, so this customer proofed the label via an email attachment that showed the exact label you then printed up? How badly do you want to keep this customer? I'd be trying to get her to meet you 50/50 on the cost of the re-do! If you get that you'll be lucky and probably keep the customer. If you want to for sure keep the customer re-do at no cost to them. If you want to run this customer off (even tho its their fault) for good, tell them they have to pay to have the new labels made! Just my .10 worth!

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