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There are a lot of different reasons why you can experience decreased scent throw when another person experiences increased scent throw when adding paraffin to soy. Some f/o's do very well in soy but do really bad in paraffin, it could be the type of paraffin you used , the wicking or even the amount of paraffin you added. You may try using less paraffin if that f/o does really well in soy. Jmho

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I thought that people claim that adding paraffin wil increase scent throw. I have a candle that I poured 50/50 with 464 and j50 and the scent throw is decreased. The FO is cranberry relish in in my 464 straight it is very strong. Any ideas?

I have notice that in the past when I was trying out different blends (adding paraffin to soy) it would decrease the scent throw too and wondered why others experienced a different result. I am sure it depends on what you are blending. It seemed that I got the best throw with either a straight paraffin blend or straight soy (depending on which one I used of course). However, some of the single blends (paraffin or soy) had a duddy scent throw for me too. Usually, it takes time to find the right oils for the right wax. It could be that once you add another wax to your current wax that used to get a great throw with a particular scent, no longer works in it because it is now altogether a new blend of wax. The thing that is boggling is if the scent throw is duddy even when the FO threw well in both types of waxes. But there again it is a different blend. As you notice, one will say an oil has a great throw and then another will buy it and it has a duddy throw in their wax.

I have to say though, that when I was testing professionally mixed soy/paraffin blends I still found that not as many gave as good of a scent throw as either a straight paraffin blend or straight soy. Currently though, I have found some that are as good or has a higher percentage of oils that will work than straight soy.

You may have to play around with it more -- more paraffin and less soy, or maybe more soy and less paraffin.......or try many different oils to see what works in it. This will determine if it is a wax blend that either has a high percentage of oils that will work in it or is a pain in the butt to find anything that will throw strong in it. Have you tried some of the soy/parafffin blends on the market? Good luck with your testing. :)

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