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Castile Soap?


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I know this can be used on babies but how young? I made a batch yesterday that was 90% Olive Oil 10% Castile (Eugenia's recipe I believe) and my sister had a baby a few weeks ago so when it's cured I was wondering if that would be too young or not? Thanks

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I know this can be used on babies but how young? I made a batch yesterday that was 90% Olive Oil 10% Castile (Eugenia's recipe I believe) and my sister had a baby a few weeks ago so when it's cured I was wondering if that would be too young or not? Thanks

Well...did you discount the water at all? If not, it's gonna be 4-6 months for that sucker to cure anyway. :laugh2:

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Me too! I made bastille (90 oo, 5 babassu, 5 castor) on 7/4 and it was cut and seemed hard the next day. I think I used 33%. I think you still want to give it at least 4-6 weeks to cure. I'm not sure how young of skin you can use it on, but I would say by the time your 6 weeks are up, the baby would be 2 months and that might be ok.

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I would never hesitate to use an unscented castile soap or any hand made unscented soap on a baby.

I cure my castile soap for as long possible but don't have a problem putting them out for sale at 2 months cure time. But, I will sometimes use them much sooner for myself. My other soaps get a month cure time at the least before being put out to sell.

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Babies don't need soap except MAYBE on the diaper area. The dr should have given instructions about what to use - I don't think we used any soap for the first couple of weeks but my youngest is 5 now and my memory dim on the subect.

But anyway, the lengthy cure for castile is related to minimizing the slimy feel of the soap, not to mellowing it - that should be fine after a couple of weeks.

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We didn't use any soap on our son until he was about 3 months old. His first soap at 3 months was Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal soap. That was 13 years ago - way before I knew anything about soap or soap making. Nowadays, I'd still hold off on using soap on babies younger than 3 months, but the first soap I'd choose to use would definitely be a Castile. They are awesome!


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I don't think a 6 month cure time is necessary. I think you can use it before that and it will be O.K.

I used nice unscented/undyed hand made soaps on my daughter when she was a baby and did so with my doctors knowledge. All my babies had eczema and the soaps I used on my daughter never aggravated it. I didn't have access to nice soaps with my son since we lived overseas at that time. His didn't clear up until I started to use nice soaps on him. Also, one of my girlfriend's baby had severe eczema that would not clear up with any medications or suggestion given by the doctors. She even quit using soap all together as her doctor suggested and yet the eczema persisted. I gave her a bar of my soap, and it cleared it. It's been three years now and she still uses it and swears by it. If she stops and uses other soaps, it comes back. I also have several customers that have babies with it and they use my soap and swear by it. Then, there is a natural doctor here in our town that sends all of his patients of all ages with skin problem to my shop for my soap.

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It's extremely gentle. The only issue I can think of is the eye "sting." That should be very easy to avoid.

Yes it is and yes it is!! lol

I personally can't think of anything better to use than a nice gentle bar of castile or any hand made soap. There is nothing like it IMO. (if made correctly I might add).

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I don't think a 6 month cure time is necessary. I think you can use it before that and it will be O.K.

I used nice unscented/undyed hand made soaps on my daughter when she was a baby and did so with my doctors knowledge. All my babies had eczema and the soaps I used on my daughter never aggravated it. I didn't have access to nice soaps with my son since we lived overseas at that time. His didn't clear up until I started to use nice soaps on him. Also, one of my girlfriend's baby had severe eczema that would not clear up with any medications or suggestion given by the doctors. She even quit using soap all together as her doctor suggested and yet the eczema persisted. I gave her a bar of my soap, and it cleared it. It's been three years now and she still uses it and swears by it. If she stops and uses other soaps, it comes back. I also have several customers that have babies with it and they use my soap and swear by it. Then, there is a natural doctor here in our town that sends all of his patients of all ages with skin problem to my shop for my soap.

That's good to know. Sounds like it's "safe" then for babies after a full cure. Thanks for all the input.

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Same eczema story here. My kids were positively raw with it. Since I stopped using commercial soaps and started using the hand crafted - it's cleared up considerably. Not a cure, but I figure the detergents really aggravate it.

(I still use laundry detergent - but ONLY the ones without enzymes and I do a double rinse - and that seems to be ok.

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