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GL 70/30, wicking with CD and getting soot!

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I'm using GL 70/30 and wicking with CD10 in 8oz JJ. After burning for 2 to 3 hours (burning as if I were a customer who never trims wick...which most don't!).....and I've got black soot all around the rim of the jar. What's the point in using SOY if it's going to soot so horribly? Is it my wick of choice causing it? Is there another wick I should be using that won't produce this ugly soot? I cannot sell a SOY candle that will do this. HELP, PLEASE!



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I use this wax and that jar and with most of my scents I use an ECO4 sometimes an ECO 6. I haven't tried the cd wicks with this wax. I have been using this wax for almost 2 years and if wicked properly you shouldn't have any soot at least I don't even when I don't trim the wicks and do marathon burns.

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All candles produce soot. It is a byproduct of combustion. If the candle is properly wicked, you should not have much trouble. Some FOs give off more soot when burned. Any candle will have soot build-up if the flame is dancing around the container.

Powerburning doesn't happen in only 2-3 hours!!! Powerburning is when you light one and let it burn down for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS without trimming the wick. If you got that much soot from a mere 2-3 hours and the wick was trimmed to 1/8"-1/4" when you began, I have to think either the flame was not steady (ie. burning in a draft) or there was too much FO in the wax or the FO was a type which produces more soot. Try wicking up a notch and see if that helps. Before you torture test a candle, make SURE it performs properly under the correct treatment, then try a powerburn. HTH

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Powerburning doesn't happen in only 2-3 hours!!!

I re-read my post and can't find where I wrote that I "power burned". :confused:

I'm sorry...I was spoiled rotten by using 100% soy wax in the past and no matter how long I'd burn a candle made with it, the rim of the jar never (ever, ever, EVER!!) collected black soot. Oh, and that includes back when I did all the testing (with BIG wicks and LITTLE wicks)....and even (check it out!)----> power burned! I've changed wax and am going through the wicking nightmare again. Don't mind me........

Thanks for the info. I agree, if wicked properly this wax should not (better not!) be producing black soot around the rim of the jar. Obviously, CD's aren't cutting it.

Thanks y'all. Your advice is appreciated!


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I don't use CDs so I cant comment besides possibly wick up one or down one.... and see

I think Stella interpreted you saying you burned like a customer would - most customers power burn cause they don't follow directions. I think that is why she referred to powerburning.

Just my thoughts :grin2:

And good luck - I love this wax but can't afford to keep buying it. I have a couple of cases left hopefully I don't run out before I master my own blend.

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Correct. I interpreted "(burning as if I were a customer who never trims wick...which most don't!)" as "powerburning." My mistake, sorry.:embarasse When I try to think like the general public, I tend to think "abuse of every kind." Heck, a 2-3 hour burn should just gettin' a good melt pool goin' on in that size container... A self-trimming wick like a CD shouldn't even really need trimming by then if it started out trimmed to the correct height... My point was that if it's sooting badly after only 2-3 hours, there's something wrong!

I don't use paraffin, so I cannot vouch for what it does and doesn't do as far as sooting - but ANY candle that is not wicked properly or is burning in a draft or is scented with certain FOs, or a high percentage FO will produce more soot.

I am curious...

If you liked the "less soot" properties of 100% soy wax, why did you switch to a parasoy blend?

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My point was that if it's sooting badly after only 2-3 hours, there's something wrong!

Yes, we're definately on the same page, there. I'll check all the variables you mentioned and see if I can't find a solution. Thank you for your help! I'm testing 7 candles, all with different FO's....the two that sooted are the two that were NOT in a drafty area. Odd, yes? All 7 of them have the same FO load, but I do understand that one of them ("Love Spell") could be a heavier density, therefore, tougher to wick. However, (and oddly again)...that's the one I had to wick down to a CD10 because the flame with a CD14 and CD12 was huge and throwing black soot into the air. I would have thought the bigger wick would have been more appropriate. The CD10 didn't throw soot but sooted around the rim of the jelly jar. The other that sooted around the jar rim was Clean Cotton, though not as badly. I don't think that's a real heavy FO so don't understand the problem with the sooting on that one. No draft on these two. A bit of a draft on the other 5 (Peach, Ocean Mist and Warm Vanilla Sugar and Sugar Cookie) due to air conditioning but those wicks (CD12's) did didn't show any sooting. I might understand Love Spell being a bear to wick but not Clean Cotton. And why not Warm Vanilla Sugar or Sugar Cookie? Weird.

Thanks for your input, Stella, Tara and mizbizzyb!

mizbizzyb, what type of wicks do you use with this wax if not CD's?

Stella, to answer your question regarding why I changed wax if I was happy with the no sooting with the 100% soy: I no longer wanted to battle the issue of 'frosting'.

Thanks again!

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to answer your question regarding why I changed wax if I was happy with the no sooting with the 100% soy: I no longer wanted to battle the issue of 'frosting'.

Bless your heart! Outta the pan and into the fire, eh? You are braver than I am... I hope you get to the bottom of this and let us know what you found...

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Soot Happens...lol Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason as to why a candle soots. :confused: I use GL 70/30 with CD's and occassionaly do get soot for no reason that Im aware of. The only wax that I have found to be virtually soot free is the Palm Wax...:rolleyes2

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I switch from soy for the same reason as you so I understand how you must feel. I've used that wax in the past and didn't find that I had a major problem with soot. I had soot problems when I used CD's and RRD's in containers. Especially the larger size CD's. To be honest I really didn't experiment much further with them since I had so many other wick types on hand. I do have some FO's that no matter what type of wick I tested they always produced soot. I agree with Stella that all candles produce soot, some just produce a very light grey soot that is hardly detected. Black soot covering the jars wouldn't be ok with me either! Are you testing the candle in a small closed room? I find that if I burn a candle in a small space with the door closed I have more scent throw and soot issues. Once I increase the air circulation(most of the time simply by opening the door) I have better results. If you have some LX wicks on hand you may want to try some of those. Also, customer service at GL is wonderful so if you keep having problems you may want to contact them. I know it's fustrating so hang in there:)

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