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Weight of FO and wax - need advice

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EZSOY w/ 8 oz. jelly jar containers.

I used the calculator on this website and weighed my the following:

8 oz. jar = 6.3 oz

8 oz. jar with water= 12.5 oz

equals 5.33 oz. of wax per jar.

then do the following calculation:

6% FO = 5.33 x .06 = .32 oz FO per jar

94% wax = 5.33 x .94 = 5.01 oz wax per jar

I have many 1 oz sample FO and I know they say you can use 1oz per pound of wax. Would it be safe to say I can use a 1 oz FO and mix it into a pound of wax to get 3 of these jars filled? (I may have a little wax left...

thoughts? Need input!

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All your calculations are correct...but, I think your jelly jar is going to hold more than 5.3 ounces of wax. Mine held 6 ounces using paraffin.

It's been a long time since I've thought about it, but I think paraffin is generally 20 liquid ounces to one weighted pound; soy is about 18. If the calculator was set up for paraffin (and I believe it was) your soy is going to take a bit more wax. parffin calculates to be 6.4 ounces, but soy calculates to be 7.1 ounces of wax.

Yes, you can use your one ounce sample in a pound of wax for 3 jars. If you fill the first 2 completely you may find the third jar is short.

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I know the calculations don't seem right however all I did was follow the instructions that are on this site and populated the weight of the container and then the weight of th container with water and that is what it came up with.

What am I doing wrong?

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What am I doing wrong?

You made a subtraction error (see above). Realize that water weighs slightly more than wax, so you should end up with a little more than you planned. Using the example above, you want to end up with 6.2 oz. of scented wax in the jar, so take it from there and you'll do fine. You can check your figures by making sure the percentages end up equalling 100 and the amounts should total 6.2.

Good luck! :)

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