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Tart Question

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Put 2 cubes in your warmer and start your timer, when the scent is gone you'll know how long 2 cubes last. 2 cubes is a little less than an oz, 1oz yankee tarts say they'll last 8 hours, 1 oz of my tarts last 36 hours. Just depends on your wax and what warmer you're using. Tealight warmers burn hotter so the scent is burned off quicker. Electric warmers come in many kinds: heat plate, 20-40 watt light bulbs, crocks etc, each of these will give you a different burn time. You'll just have to test your product to find out the burn time with your wax and whatever warmer you're using.



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You will find by testing out your tarts that some FO's will just last longer than others. I use different percentages in all my tarts. Some just won't last as long as others no matter how much FO you put in them and of course, as mentioned above, the warmer has a lot to do with how strong and how longlasting your tarts are. I won't sell a tart, though, that doesn't last much longer than Yankme's.

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Search the Fragrance section and you will get a lot of advice on the best liked, etc., FO's. I've ordered from several suppliers and probably use only approximately 10% of the ones I've ordered in my tarts. Opinions are as different as noses are. What I like, you may not prefer, vice versa. Unfortunately, that is the downside to candlemaking, spending lots of money on products you might end up not using.....especially if you are particular about the products you like and sell. I am just as particular about the throw and longevity of my tarts as I am my candles. Actually, many customers expect a one oz. tart to smell stronger and last longer than an eight oz. candle will..........and at a fraction of the cost.

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  • 4 years later...

you should definitely be getting more than 2 hours out of one square. are you sure you aren't suffering from Candle Nose after a couple of hours ? Try going outside for awhile (or smell some coffee grounds) and then see if you can still smell your tart.

mine all last different times. some I get a couple of days out of ... a couple I get 3 or 4 days out of. but ALL give at least one full day = 8-10 hours.

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After 2 1/2 days I finally had to change a 1 oz tart fragranced with a blend of NG's Berry Bewitching Brew and Southern Garden Scents Black Raspberry Vanilla. It was still throwing really well, but I was a little sick of it. I repoured it in the souffle cup to use up later. I keep my warmers on 24/7 when testing.

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Yeah, you're bound to find way more info in the Wickless. My tarts last an average of 3 days, non stop melting (meaning I turn the burner on and leave it on, with one tart in it). Some scents will last over 5 days, then fade away. However, I do not use soy....

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