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Your 'range'

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I was just sitting here thinking about all the fragrance oils I want to try and about all the ones that I have tried and love. There are soo many, it makes my head spin! Those of you with businesses, do you have a set range of fragrances that you offer? How many are in your range? and how on earth do you decided??? LOL. Or do you just make and sell what you feel like making at the time?


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Hi Anjie,

If you are just starting out or thinking about making candles you may have freinds and family request certain types of fragrances,and that is how some get started with the fragrances they have. Eventually you will discover what others like and add those to what you already have and you will eliminate those that don't sell well. So,it's kind of an ongoing thing. You will keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones. HTH


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Thanks Mike. I don't know how you guys do it! Just to think about starting a business would have me in a blind panic!! So much to do, so much responsibility, so many things to remember.....damn i'd forget my head if it wasn't nailed on :grin2: Respect to you all :highfive:


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Hi Anjie, I've about 35 at the moment, a lot of those were given to me ;) some were requests, I must have had 6 people in one week ask if I do lavender, so thats one I got straight away.

Others are ones I've got samples of, tested and liked myself.

At the moment I'm testing lots of christmas samples, some are foul lol, others ok-ish and may appeal to people. I guess its luck of the drawer sometimes. I'm only keeping ones I'm unsure of in stock in smaller quantities.

I'm hoping my site will go live in a few weeks, those I've tested will be for sale, others on there will become in stock when I'm satisfied with them.

I suppose the seasons have a lot to do with what fo's to stock too

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My website 'helper' is on his hols at the moment, only a few bits left to do I think.

I want to sort out my insurance this weekend, especially with the teachers gifts I've made for next week. Can't remember the name of the chap that Nattycat recommended..... Nat.............. lol

Got a craft show booked for October.

tbh, I keep doubting myself due to lack of funds, but I'm trying to build things up as I go and keep a small stock of most things :)

I just can't help buying more and testing lol. I get in such a state about testing, I freak sometimes over it lol

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