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Are all CD wicks alike?

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If I use a CD 14 wick from one company and then order the same size wick from another company, do they burn exactly the same for you?

I'm thinking of ordering some wicks from Candlewic (a larger amount) and I usually had bought from another source. I'm just trying to get a better price on wicks.

I did get some samples from Candlewic. I've noticed a little difference, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it. Just thought I'd ask!

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I had a sample pack of eco wicks from CS and I liked how sturdy they were and the burn I was getting sooooo I ordered a pack of 100 of the eco 12's. I got them today. I was NOT thrilled with this batch. They didn't have the same sturdy wax coating on them the samplers did. Actually they were kind of flimsy. I thought at first maybe some wax melted off them during shipping but there is no indication on the bag they were in that wax melted. :mad:

I buy my CD wicks from a supplier on ebay. EVERY batch I have ever gotten from her have been great. I think the wax coating on the wicks are awesome and helps when I am pouring a candle so they don't become flimsy. The upside of ordering a big batch is that you don't have to wonder what each batch will be like. The downfall will be like I had today, I am stuck with 100 flimsy wicks. *sigh*

As far as I can tell, the wicks I have gotten have been the same size, just the wax can vary that they dip them in.

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Just throwing this out there, I bought a pack of cd 18 from C&S, I really don't care for them, would rather the Lx's or even try some zinc in the same size. Not sure, but if anyone would want to trade out or something, let me know. I bought a pack of 100 and used like maybe 5 I think. So let me know if anyone is interested.


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If I use a CD 14 wick from one company and then order the same size wick from another company, do they burn exactly the same for you?

I'm thinking of ordering some wicks from Candlewic (a larger amount) and I usually had bought from another source. I'm just trying to get a better price on wicks.

I did get some samples from Candlewic. I've noticed a little difference, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it. Just thought I'd ask!

The same wick from different suppliers will not necessarily behave the same way. It depends on how they treat their wicks. It would be best to retest even if you get the wicks with the same wax coating.

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The same wick from different suppliers will not necessarily behave the same way. It depends on how they treat their wicks.

I was under the impression that the suppliers bought it from the manufacturer on rolls and made the wick assemblies... Can just anyone make a CD wick or is it a particular kind made by a particular manufacturer (like Stabilo)?

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I was under the impression that the suppliers bought it from the manufacturer on rolls and made the wick assemblies... Can just anyone make a CD wick or is it a particular kind made by a particular manufacturer (like Stabilo)?

Yes, you're right -- there is only one manufacturer of each type of wick, but the suppliers who make the wick assemblies treat them differently. That may affect the way they perform. I have switched suppliers of wicks, tested them, and found the difference in the burn to be negligible, but that's not always the case.

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So, tangerine, what you are saying is that a supplier could purchase a roll of CD wicking, but they have to attach the clip, prime and cut it? And the difference between one supplier's CD wicks and another's might depend upon the type of wax used to prime the wick?

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This is what I thought . . . more testing if I want to switch!! Thanks for confirming this.

On the Candlewic site you can pick your wick coating. There is the standard, which is flimsy and I think the one I've been using is the High Melt Point Wax Coating, which is sturdier.

I will have to test to get my answer about buying cheaper wicks!!

Thanks all for your help!

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So, tangerine, what you are saying is that a supplier could purchase a roll of CD wicking, but they have to attach the clip, prime and cut it? And the difference between one supplier's CD wicks and another's might depend upon the type of wax used to prime the wick?

That's right but there might even be more to it than just the wax they use to prime the wicks. It could also be the way they handle the wicks when they work with them -- stretching, etc.

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I have bought CD wicks from 2 different suppliers..and they are not the same..One is sturdy and one is flimsy..the one batch that I bought that were flimsy, I would say 1 out of 5 would pull out of the wick pin..I had to go thru all of them and crimp them..So when you find the ones you really like stay with them..just my 2cents worth..:shocked2:

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