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Oil Slick Forming On Top of Soap


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Hi everyone. I'm new here and definitely a beginner with soap fairies - I think. I just did a batch of coffee soap scented with chocolate. I had to use two different kinds of molds - one is wooden and one is plastic (rubbermaid). The soap (?) that is in the plastic mold has an oil slick on top and the wooden one is as bad (just a few little puddles). Can anyone tell me what I did wrong?

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Hi Salli, could be a lot of things, but let it sit for at least 24 hours and see if it all soaks in. When did you add the fo? Maybe post you recipe including lye and water, might be a problem there. Who knows. This has happened to me but usually it soaks back into the soap. Keep us posted.

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I can happen for a bunch of reasons. Overheating is one, incomplete mixing is another, inaccurate oils measurements...

If you tell us more about what you did - a recipe, how it was insulated, did it gel, what FO you used (and from which supplier) we might be able to get to the bottom of it with you. Or maybe not - the soap fairies are fickle.

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Thank you for your replies. This batch appears to be pretty much ok this morning. It is good and firm but has a little oil on top. I'll update this evening after I cut. Thanks again.

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