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Anyone heard of Jellybath?

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Hi to all! I have been an avid reader of this forum for several months and God Bless to all of you for the help! One of my wholesale accounts called me to see if I had ever heard of this product. www.jellybath.com is the site. It is interesting! The product dissolves in bath water, becomes like gelatin or applesauce, is supposed to detoxify and relax you. When you are finished you pour this dissovling agent back into the gunk and it turns it back into water! He does have a patent pending. Any thoughts on what it contains? Accorindg to the owner the NFL and NBA are looikng into using it due to the way it is supposed to help muscles....................


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My thoughts were - how do you get the stuff off of your skin when you are trying to get out of the tub? Wouldn't it "hide" in places you wouldn't want to find it later???


I agree. When I watched the clip I could see some of it sticking to her leg while in the tub. Wouldn't that get all over your towels? And who knows how much can seep into unwanted places! :rolleyes2

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I looked at the site, I agree I would worry about it sticking to places I don’t want it. I can only guess it is made from one of the new super absorbent polymers like lines a baby diaper. Probably something similar to the stuff I’ve seen advertised to make “smelly jelly” or the “water crystals” you can get to mix in with garden soil to help it retain water.

Not to gross anyone out, but about 25 years ago there was a tampon also made with super absorbent polymer called “Rely” that was approved for sale as safe… and killed a number of women from toxic hock syndrome. I’m not equating bathing in this stuff to inserting it into a body orifice, well, yes I am. If you’re sitting in it odds are some are going to get in somewhere.

Did some searching and found a UK product called “Gellibath” that specifically says to not allow children under 5 to use unsupervised.

As much as I like the idea of being cuddled in a tub of nice warm water… I’ll pass. I would want to know a whole lot more about it before either using it myself or letting my grand daughters use it.

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Terrifying thought. I remember the Tampon thing. My wholesale account lady ordered it from the Jelly Bath company this afternoon and she has already sold 2 before they have even come in. She is an upscale boutique in town - evidentally this is the stuff that is used in local spas............hope they know what they are getting themselves into!!!!!!


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Well, if they are toting it as a therapeutic I would probably not sit completely naked in it. Maybe some bathing suit bottoms to avoid the gel sneaking in areas. And then of course, common sense would be to wash it off if it sticks to your skin lol, like a big mud bath but using a jelly type substance instead of mud, certainly you would wash it off. I don't think this is being toted as a soap type bath that you can just get out and be clean with. There will be residue (obviously) and the norm would be to rinse it off with clean water (or am I the only one who even thought that you would do a clean water rinse before getting out).

Also, the norm is to not give small girls baths all the time full of the stuff even we guys sell...bath bombs, bubble baths, bath oils, etc simply for the fact of possible uti's/yeast infections from all the fragrance and stuff we use in these products so I also don't see that as being weird as for a warning and also I never left my kids in the tub alone anyways at those ages so I don't find it weird to warn that as well.

I think it would be interesting to use for the feet and I bet a lot of people would purchase the feet product if not the full bath. If this is also being sold in upscale boutiques and being used in spas, these are women used to sitting in weird things for a bath as well :laugh2: .


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