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Second Batch of CP

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Sweet Green Tea… Used white vanilla oil for sweetness, and infused 1 ounce (volume) olive oil with 1 tablespoon sieved green tea. The soap its self is a modified castile, 54% olive oil, 20% canola oil, 20% coconut, superfatted with 3% each shea and avocado butters.

So far it seems nice, still a bit drying on the skin, but was poured only 24 hours ago, but no zap so should cure to be gentler? The tea will make it a mildly astringent soap; I just hope I didn’t over do it.

The mistake I made was in forgetting the dried herb (tea) would reconstitute to 3x. I actually like the look of the big specks, but am concerned they won’t feel so nice on the skin; also do people want to bathe with a soap that’s likely to leave bits of leaves on them? I’m not sure I like the idea of it, not sure what I was thinking when I didn’t strain it… except I wanted speckles…

Thanks for looking and any input.


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Wow Grandma!!! They look LOVELY!! I wouldn't worry about the specks... you can market it as exfoiliating! LOL Real nice bar!! Love the swirls you achieved! I'm still trying to achieve mine!! LOL

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Looks nice! You are jumping in pretty quick with superfatting and such. I still haven't superfatted a soap and I am going on my second year.

Great job and I bet it smells good.


Thank you.

If you don’t superfat aren’t you worried the soap could turn out lye heavy, or at the least very drying to the skin?

Wow Grandma!!! They look LOVELY!! I wouldn't worry about the specks... you can market it as exfoiliating! LOL Real nice bar!! Love the swirls you achieved! I'm still trying to achieve mine!! LOL

GREAT idea LOL, though I don’t think I’m ready to sell anything yet.

Are your adding your colored portion back to the pot before you pour or in the mold? The “chrome” batch you did look rather layered, still very attractive, but if it wasn’t what you wanted I can understand your frustration.

Maybe you can practice swirling with cake mixes? You won’t be rushed, cake mix doesn’t seize! LOL.

I have been coloring about 1 cup of soap to a 2 lb (oils) batch. I drop the colored portion back in my mixing pot all around the pot from various heights and then pour into the mold. I do move the pot around a lot as I’m pouring, I don’t know if that makes a difference or not. This time I ran a chop stick back and forth a couple times to see if I could get that effect you have, that feathery look, but I was worried I would mix it up to much so only did it a few times.

Keep trying, you’ll get it. I have the feeling you’re having trouble because of the rush at the end. There’s no time to think, just react. If I didn’t cook so much I know I would be struggling with it too.

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What e

You are right, E. I just was having a moment and didn't realize it. I guess what I meant was I didn't add any extra oils or butters at trace. I superfat at 5%, but melt all my oils together and then add my lye water.


Yes… that I what I was thinking after I posted. And thank you Euginia, you are an eminently practical person. ;)

MB, it looks like marble to you too? I’m glad; I thought it was just my own imagination. I have to admit I’m rather take with the appearance of this batch, I can’t wait till it cures enough I can take a bar to the tub.

Denise, yes… I’m hooked. LOL. I still love my M&P. it’s just so easy to be creative with, but the CP also allows for creativity, just in a different form.

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