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What Did I Do Wrong w/ MP


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I got my SFIC order from Peaks!!! I was so excited I couldn't wait to play. I used what I thought was an easy enough recipe. It has some drag, low lather, and feels tight and waxy afterwards. Maybe I shouldn't have added the shea to the cocoa? Maybe it needed more oil? Maybe I should have used just the base first before messing with it? What do you think?

8oz of cocoa butter base

2 tsp of shea

1 tsp of gso

half tsp of fo

*I feel like such a failure :(

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NOT an MP expert but I'll add my 2 cents since I've messed up some batches! Overheating can leave you with low lathering, sticky bricks. So melt very gently.

What does gso (is that grapeseed fruit extract?) do for your soap?

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Thanks CareBare -

Grapeseed Oil. I probably shouldn't have put GSO. Sorry. I thought that may have been the problem but I tried to be really careful. I didn't let it boil and only did like 10 second shots and then stir. I'm gonna go check if they're sticky - grrr, YUP, they're a little sticky. Hmmmm.

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Hi there! To start you probably used a little too much shea for that small amount of soap base. It would probably be okay if you just toss in another half pound of soap and see what happens!

It sounds like you melted it just perfectly, in 10 second shots... ideally that is the way to melt MP soap. (I make all of mine in prestos now)

I think you are experiencing low lather because of the shea.. the shea is a wonderful additive though, so don't despair just yet.. add another half pound of soap, a Tablespoon of castor oil or a couple tablespoons of glycerin and see what happens!

I bet you'll get a bar that you love if you don't give up!!

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That same thing happened to me too. I added too much cocoa butter/shea butter so no lather. Then remelted gently and added castor oil and nothing but slight lather. I think I'm going to try the glycerin thing too!

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That did trick. Great advice! :yay:Thanks a bunch!

I had a few technical difficulties but they were due to operator error. Such as okay well lets mix these 2 scents, and I don't want it pink now, lets add green and see what happens. Why must I always be so rebelious?

I hope I have time to make more today.

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That did trick. Great advice! :yay:Thanks a bunch!

I had a few technical difficulties but they were due to operator error. Such as okay well lets mix these 2 scents, and I don't want it pink now, lets add green and see what happens. Why must I always be so rebelious?

I hope I have time to make more today.

YIPPIE!! I'm so glad to hear that worked! Thanks for letting us know!

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