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Help Pricing Electric Grubby Hurricanes

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I'm going to start making the Electric Grubby Hurricanes in 5x5.5" molds and I know we're supposed to take our cost then multiply by 3 or 4 to arrive at a retail price but it sure seems high to me?? Would be interested in finding out what others charge. Would greatly appreciate any input on this. If you have yours posted on yoru websites, I'd love to see them too!!


Thank You

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Toni as with anything else we sell, it depends on your area. I am in a rural, somewhat depressed market area and I sell mine for $12 without any extras. If I add a tin plate and pip berry garland or potpourri or something, they will sell for $16-$20 depending on how much I add to it. HTH


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Hi Nancy,

Thanks for getting back with me! Talk about depressed area, we live in the northwoods of Wisconsin!! Many of the people drive vehicles that look like their equipment belongs to "Sanford & Son" - Ya know what I mean? I'm not making fun of anyone of belittling anyone it's just just a depressed town! I don't do alot of sales to the locals that's for sure. So what size are your grubby hurricanes?

Thanks again Nancy:wave:

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Hey Stella,

Yah, tell me about it! These grubbie hurricanes go for a good buck and even if I charged $40.00 or $45.00 for one the size I want to make, I don't know if people would be willing to pay that much. I guess all I can do is make up and few and go from there. I haven't seen any on the web that are the size I've got but if you happen to run across any, please let me know cuz I'd appreciate it.


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Toni, remember: if buyers don't go for the price you ask, you can always lower the price, but it's harder to raise it if you initially set it too low! Run those grubbies up the flagpole at $40-$45 and see if anyone salutes! It also helps to have some method of gathering feedback for your products on your site - if it's too much for folks, hopefully they will let you know.

Good luck! :)

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