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Which wax

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Palm,parrafin or soy??? I know theres this good wax bad wax between parrafin and others but there must be some good points to parrafin and if not whats so special about the others???

Im gettin so confused and am up to my eyes in researching would be great to find out which wax makes u tick and why?


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Im gettin so confused and am up to my eyes in researching would be great to find out which wax makes u tick and why?

What matters most is which wax YOU like best!;) All waxes have pluses and minuses... what's so great is that there are so MANY from which to choose!:drool:

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well the reason i ask is because i have someone im making candles for and he wants me to consider changing to something more eco friendly and says that parrafin isnt natural but parrafin is what candles have originated from parrafin haven they? ive only ever used parrafin and it scares me to think about changing wax and maybe loosing the knowledge that i do have for parrafin!

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Paraffin is actually a natural wax, not a lot of people see it that way because of the refining process that's involved.

If you're comfortable with paraffin, then I would stay with it, but that's my opinion. I've always loved the look of palm wax and soy containers, but the change of wax (from paraffin to soy) is a major big step and you'd basically be starting from scratch. The amount of testing involved is enough to scare me to stay with paraffin, but again, that's personal opinion and preference. And I'm sure I have soy and palm wax lovers about ready to throw the boot at me for that statement, LOL!

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I have used soy for 2 yrs. now. I have tested blends, and Paraffin before.

The only difference between the two other than the obvious is you get darker colors and smoother tops with Paraffin.

With soy you get frost, alot of wet spots and fugly tops. I think if you can get over those than go for it.

Maybe a test a few batches and let your customer try a soy candle to see if he likes it better than your usual wax.

Mindy :)

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I think im gonna have to do some research on parrafin wax and how its classed as natural wax coz its always confused me as to why people dont class it as natural!!

Think i might have to tempt him round to parrafin candles and wow him with some fantastic scent throws!!

Thanks to you all ! x

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