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A New Newbi Mistake? LOL


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Ok… I made soap. My very first try at CP. Waited 48 hours to unmold. Was kinda soft, ok, very soft (I know I way over super fatted but was worried about lye) but cut it anyway… moved half of it to the back room where I set up a drying rack… got distracted and forgot the rest. Cooked diner, cleaned the kitchen, thought about moving the rest but got distracted again and turned the dishwasher on. I need to note it was VERY HOT here yesterday, and humid. I have the ac vent to the kitchen closed and I have the water heater set to 145F, and I forgot to hit the “no heat dry” button. When I went back to the kitchen a couple hours later the kitchen was like a sauna and my pretty soap… melted! LOL.

It was about the consistency of the hand cleaner stuff my husband likes to use. I used a spatula to sort of push the ones that didn’t look to bad back up into a bar like shape and plopped the rest into a mold and seems to be working. The good news is its very soft (of course with 9% superfat) to the skin with a nice rich lather.

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Only half of it, and I plopped the rest in molds I got for MP soap figureing it might solidify when it cooled down. It has, though seems very wet compared to the bars I had moved to the drying racks earlier. That is probabaly because the humidity in the kitchen was about 90% and over 100F.

I have to say, it is starting to look decent... not as pretty as yours... but better.

Here's a picture of 3 of the molded soap I "saved". from left to right, average, the best, and the worst. Oh well, It won't atter what they look like when they are used.


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