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slow burn

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I have been making candles for 5 years. Never had a LOW flame till today.The scent is Juniper Breeze. A OK scent but maybe I need to wick-up to a large wick and not medium. A heavy scent and why this is happening?????

I am getting tired just looking at it. No vava voom. It needs a perking so I guess will up that to a large wick. Is that my problem?Also about all my candles scent the whole house but with the small boring flame it is staying in the kitchen. So I know I have a problem.

Could it be another problem or any suggestions??? Hope I am on the right track. :confused:


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For the only 3 sizes(all my supplier carries) I use small(44-32-18).Rarely use them. For the medium I use 60-44-18 and large 62-52-18. I will wick up. I use the medium 99% of the time. I mainly do 8 ounce jars.


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For the only 3 sizes(all my supplier carries) I use small(44-32-18).Rarely use them. For the medium I use 60-44-18 and large 62-52-18. I will wick up. I use the medium 99% of the time. I mainly do 8 ounce jars.


Hi Lynn!

It sure sounds like you need to wick up to me. But you might find the 60 a bit too much. I'd go with a 51 myself, but hey, try a 60 since you don't have 51s. If it's too much, well, at least you'll have a great throw (but break out the potholders for your little firebomb!). Get some 51s next time you order if the 60 is too much. That way you'll be covered for all contingencies

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Since not able to get the 51's now I will scratch that scent off my list. For now. Not overly crazy about it but would be OK when I have more time. It smells sorta mild but put a bigger wick in it, WOW might make you sick.

That is one thing I do is watch the wick size. Made the bug-less candles and used 2 med wicks. Wasn't crazy about using 2 wicks but the bucket wasn't hot at all. Just right.


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