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Two LS questions


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I want to do my first batch of crockpot LS. Can someone tell me how to neutralize with citric and not borax? I'm thinking I don't want borax on my label for label appeal (this coming from a gal who proudly lists lard as an ingredient on her CP bars! :grin2: )

Also, I've noticed on one liquid soap recipe the water to KOH ratio was 3:1. So that's what I put in on the soapcalc.

Last, do you use the same ratio of FO in LS that you do in CP? I thought maybe less since the FO doesn't have to go through saponification?



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I'm not much help here at all, but I have heard using citric acid can be very tricky. I used Borax for a couple of batches and had issues. Now I don't use anything at all.

For water & KOH amounts I use the calc here.

They have it adjusted to take the water content of the KOH crystals in consideration.

For my FO's I've been using between 1/2 oz to 1 oz pp.

One issue I've run into is my FO thickening my dilution back up making me add more water in.

LS has been kicking my butt, let me tell you! But I am catching on finally!!

If you haven't yet, get Failors' Liquid Soap book. It really is a great book. Also, there is a Liquidsoapers yahoo group you may want to check out.

Before I jumped in I read about several different methods and thoughts which have helped me along. About.com has a couple of really good articles about it as well as a Crockpot recipe.

Good luck!!

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