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price guides?

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There are lots of different pricing formulas. Use the search feature above and try a variety of key words. It should bring up many threads about pricing. Lindsay, at Soapers Workshop also has a great formula which incorporates labor costs...something most of us don't consider enough!

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How about starting with what you spend. Is that something you haven't thought about doing? Second, why are you even considering pricing after only making for a week? Wouldn't you rather test and be sure of your product and know what you're doing as opposed to pretending?

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when me and my wife first started this i thought we would have ten scents in ten sizes blah, blah in a week or two. after reading this and learning a lot on this forum. we are almost 7months into this we have two scents in votives that i like and am comfortable with one jar real close and another votive really close. i figure at this rate it will be another year before i am ready to start selling. as to pricing thier are a lot of formulas on this website the above link is a great one but that one even does not try and recover the cost of ra and d and testing that goes into this. short cutting in that department can be a death knell for you buisiness.

my suggestion is to test a lot, test some more and go slowly you can lose any chance of a long term buisiness by rushing, not to mention ruin someones life if you sell an untested product for a quick buck. i thought i would have a good second income quickly instead it has cost me hundreds of dollars and hours and im not close.

my 2 cents from some one who is hoping someday to recover some of what i have spent so far. give a man a fish he eats for a day teach a man to fish he eats every day. this is field you can make money in but you have to spend money first.

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