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Question for Comfort Blend 4627 Users

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I am debating on trying the comfort blend wax as I have heard both good and bad points about it. Is the finished candle made from the CB a solid candle, or is it more like jelly (you can stick your finger in the candle)? I think that the possibility of being able to stick your finger in the finished product is the only aspect that bothers me about this wax right now. I'm not sure why this bothers me. I guess I'm just being weird!:grin2:

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Just stuck my finger in my candle............it's like thick vaseline.......kind of on the harder side...if I wanted to I could stick my finger through it....but..........why mess up my purty candle! It's vera Wang Princess and now my finger smells great! This is kind of a sick conversation so I'll stop now! :laugh2:

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I disagree, I think its easy to clean up.

Since its so soft, it never needs scraping. You can wipe it off everything after fully cooled.

You can't "stick your finger through it" unless you were very determined to do so. If you press hard enough, you can make a fingerprint in it, though.

Like said before, its like really hard vaseline.

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I acutally use some disposable latex gloves when I am getting out the amount I need. I just use my hands and "scoop/squeeze" out a glob, put it on saran wrap that is on my scale to weigh it. When done, I toss the gloves in the trash.

I mix mine with 70% soy. I no longer have frosting and a very pretty creamy candle while pouring at a warmer temp. I no longer have to wait for that "slushy stage".

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No, the finished candle isn't at all like jelly. It looks like any other candle, and you wouldn't actually even know it was softer wax unless you did try to poke a finger into it. And like Leesters said, you'd have to really want to do that to make it happen.

I am also one that doesn't think the clean up of this wax is difficult. It's easier to me. You're not supposed to be able to clean up paraffin wax with soap and water according to the "soy experts" out there, but guess what? That's exactly how you can get any left over wax off of a counter top, glass jar, cabinet front, or anywhere else the wax happens to accidentally find itself! :) And you probably wouldn't really even need the soap, just warm water and a cloth will clean it right up. A paper towel will actually clean the wax off of a glass jar with ease and leave nothing behind. Some people just can't get past the ooey gooey, but if you can you will love this wax!

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Thank you all for the information, it is most helpful. I think I will try some of the comfort blend wax with my next order. I am debating between this wax and the 4630. I guess the only way to decide is to get some of both and see which one I like best. As for cleaning up, I tend to be a friend of Goo Gone in the Gel form. It works great on cleaning up wax from everything! Then I rinse with hot water. Thank you all again. I just love the information on this site!


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