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Ever worked with zeolite powder?

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I bought some zeolite powder - the mineral you can add to any formula that doesn't contain water to make the product "self-heating" when you add water - because I want to try adding it to my hot oil treatment to see if I could get it to heat itself up when you apply to wet hair.

Just wondering if anyone else has ever tinkered with it and if you think it might work for this purpose...

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  • 2 months later...

I'm also eyeing zeolite to put in a massage oil, but not sure it'll work as I keep seeing it has to come in contact with water for the warming sensation to develop. Anybody know if it works the same in a massage oil where no water is used? Or if it goes totally wonky in oil like that and doesn't work at all? (Edit: After thinking more on this, I bet it would work fine. I've seen it recommended to put in lotions, and lotions usually have some type of oil in them, right?)

Vegetable glycerin is the other warming product I've seen mentioned in some posts here. Have any of you compared the 2 to see which has the better effect?


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I'm also eyeing zeolite to put in a massage oil, but not sure it'll work as I keep seeing it has to come in contact with water for the warming sensation to develop. Anybody know if it works the same in a massage oil where no water is used? Or if it goes totally wonky in oil like that and doesn't work at all? (Edit: After thinking more on this, I bet it would work fine. I've seen it recommended to put in lotions, and lotions usually have some type of oil in them, right?)

Vegetable glycerin is the other warming product I've seen mentioned in some posts here. Have any of you compared the 2 to see which has the better effect?


Unless you're using the oil on wet skin or in the shower you will not get any warming effect from the zeolite. It requires water for activation. Also, it wouldn't make any sense for someone to use it in lotion that contains water. The zeolite loses its heating properties within seconds of coming into contact with water. That's why you have to keep the powder itself in a tightly sealed container. Even water in the air can cause the zeolite to heat up and lose its effectiveness.

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